tips on how to do raspy screaming


New member
hey. i just wanna know if anyone out there can give some tips
to get that cat in the throat screaming. like those in posthardcore emocore bands.
i'm trying for the underoath/alexisonfire typa scream.
i want a higher end of the pitch scream.
i can't scream ah!!!
can always try smoking a marlboro reds.. just breathe it in directly... confirm u'll get the raspy voice...
deep breath, then push it all out from your diaphragm or abs.

Then pull back on the back your throat, where it hurts during sorethroats, and just gradually increase the tension. It's not something that can be taught, it takes practice.
RazrAsh said:
can always try smoking a marlboro reds.. just breathe it in directly... confirm u'll get the raspy voice...

breathing in is a big nono :smt018 you can get sorethroat and might even permanently hurt your vocal chords. basically all screams uses the same technique, whether growling,screeching or core screams. for high pitch screams ala underoath,saosin,alexisonfire use your head voice(falsetto). the part that would actually make your screams more distorted is a part above you're throat.try coughing, the vibrations should be coming from that part.other then that well. i can't help much
hmmm...try asking someone to bite u suddenly while u r singing...u will get the tone 8)


juz my 2 cents worth ^ ^ :twisted:
It takes time man. Lots of time, before finding your range in screeching. Try going further from the mic when you try. Bit by bit you will find the right range. You'll know when you do it right. It just feels natural and nice on the throat.