TIBET IN UNREST: Beijing Olympics Boycott?


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  • State media reports that 10 people were killed in riots
  • Tibetans in exile cite unconfirmed reports putting death toll as at least 100
  • Witness describes gunfire, tear gas, vehicles and shops on fire
CNN Blog Chinese police search door-to-door in Lhasa - CNN.com

CNN Video Chinese police search door-to-door in Lhasa - CNN.com
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what the olympics also got riot?

08/08/08 coming and im gonna watch the olympics there.woo!hopefully that is.
not in beijing but in the tibetan capital of lhasa... monks rioting about whatever, and chinese troops moving in to hoots everyone

but i just saw on tv, the dalai lama said "don't boycott"

anyway look at the photo of the guy hantam-ing those protesters, there are like so many other photographers in the shot. i wonder if we can find all the other camera angles...
Many people think the upcoming beijing olympics makes it a damn good time to a stage an uprising or riot, because beijing wont do anything too harsh to ruin its image prior to hosting the olympics.. well they might be wrong. and its unbelievable that the chinese government block youtube from their internet access because people post their tibet protests videos online.

Unlike taiwan, I support the independence of tibet in a peaceful and diplomatic manner.
gee other than hifikiller and shinobi all you guys sound like a bunch of ignorant assholes. people dying for the sovereignty of their country and we're making fun of it. anyway my opinion is tibet should be independent like taiwan should be. I'm taiwanese by birth so its a real issue to me. no offence to anyone but fukk this imperialistic shit
If im not wrong its because China didn't uphold a bunch of stuf they promised.

China also supplies stuff to burma and did not impose tough sanctions on the junta rubbish..

Something in Tibet also la, I forgot already.. but its something along those lines, people don't riot for nothing. Unless you're 18 and drunk! joke..
unfortunately we can never know who or what actually happens unless we're there. oftentimes media can distort or portray it to their own agenda.

so far it seems rather haphazard that these riots have originated. so my guess is a few nationalistic ppl took this chance to protest. like drunk and 18 yr olds.

i also believe that tibet should be a free country since it was invaded some 30 yrs back, but other than the dalai lama, there should be some pro-independence organization to get their shit together ala KMT, Fretelin, Sinn Fein, FARC, TTE. Let's not get that free tibet lollapalooza concert in the count yeah.

and about taiwan, its a hella lot more tricky situation there. i think its cool that frank hsieh has cthonic behind him, but then cthonic stopped short of declaring independence.
I think it's advisable for Chthonic to stop advertising their support.

Anyway, Taiwan isn't independent for hell's sake. They are just a special state with no official independent status because they are part of China but they refused to acknowledge that.

Tibet is a totally different matter. Tibet, although is part of China, is not under CCP's main administration. Tibet is like a "special" state, given a certain amount of autonomy. Taiwan isn't treated like that. I think they view Taiwan as a threat to CCP because of its democratic essence and it's old links to the US.

I'll say Tibet is less of a threat. I don't know if Tibet should be independent cos I really have no idea how's it like there... Funny, don't you think? Mass media has rarely mentioned about the state of Tibet only until some protests on the street are heard.
Anyway, Taiwan isn't independent for hell's sake. They are just a special state with no official independent status because they are part of China but they refused to acknowledge that.

if i say that one day singapore will go back to malaysia, what would your thoughts be?
I remember MM Lee saying something that it's inevitable we'll return to Malaysia one day. No offense to all Malaysians out there, but I don't want that to happen.

We'll be screwed up and down like how they did to us the other time.

But I don't think you can compare Taiwan to Singapore. It's totally different. Way different.
We'll be screwed up and down like how they did to us the other time.
it's time to get the facts straight, malaysia is a federation of states that used to comprise of malaya, singapore, sabah and sarawak. malaysia was ruled under the malaysian government. which means all the member states were under malaysian government. but unfortunately the PAP had a big problem with alot of government policies. can you explain how the malaysian government screwed us "up and down"? did you ever consider why that, after singapore was kicked out, there still existed a 'malaysia'? or are you under the impression that the seperation was a reversal of the merger?
The mass media rarely mentioned anything about tibet, because, well, the mass media rarely mentioned anything within china. Presently, with the exception state sanctioned news, there is a media blackout in tibet.

Tibet as a autonomous region isnt very autonomous at all. The chairman of TAR is subordinate to the hardline party secretary. Its spiritual leader, is handpicked by beijing, educated in the mainland.
and here are their comments about this unrest.

"the rioters' acts not only harmed the interests of the nation and the people, but also violated the aim of Buddhism. We resolutely oppose all activities to split the country and undermine ethnic unity. We strongly condemn the crime of a tiny number of people to hurt the lives and properties of the people" ,Panchen Lama, Gyaincain Norbu

"We will deal harshly with these criminals who are carrying out activities to split the nation." ,Chairman Qiangba Puncog, leader of the Tibet Autonomous Region's government
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this is why i never view lamaism as buddhism, you've got a "spiritual leader" who preaches peace while his supporters organise protests and even armed uprising against a legitimate government, not to mention he was on CIA's payroll during the cold war
Chinese communists have killed over 1,000,000 Tibetians since 1950.

Perhaps it's understandable that they are a little angry
the 'media blackout' doesn't happen coincidentally. CNN recently requested permission from the Chinese government to enter tibet following the riots. they were denied.

this issue is not about religion. demonstrators do not come out with guns blazin' and knives wielding, they start out peacefully as demonstrations, and it is when troops take action against the demonstrators, that's where the violence begins.

widdly- this attitude is summed up when you consider that this is not the first time that brute force and martial law has been used in tibet, with the current chinese president playing a part in most cases