TIBET IN UNREST: Beijing Olympics Boycott?


Eh, this topic can get real sensitive but I don't find Singapore really much at fault during the years of merger. I mean, I don't find that Singapore should take the most blame for separation. It was more of Malaysia's hardline tactics than Singapore's reluctance to accept the federal government's policies.

For one, we have to remember, our 1964 racial riots were sparked off by UMNO members.

Tibet, don't be like a Kosovo! You'll only find yourself in big big trouble with China.
it is impossible to sum up bilateral politics because, as long as we are part of either country, our opinion will be partisan. to blame any side would be a conspiracy theory, at best.

PAP will claim that UMNO sparked racial riots by trying to convince the singapore malays that they were being mistreated by the PAP. whether or not UMNO's claims had any weight, is a question that only the people involved at the time can answer. you must consider that among many criticisms of the PAP was the relocation of malay kampungs and acquisition of their land. whether or not this was done in a fair manner, we will never know.

politics during that time were extremely dirty and complicated. at the end of the day, umno wanted the seperation, pap didn't.

back to the topic of tibet, on what grounds is china's claim on tibet justified? how did mao just decide to conquer tibet after the british had already returned the land to the tibetans? what part of international law makes it legitimate for mao to make claim to tibet?
tibet was part of china since the yuan dynasty. The brits had took tibet from china when she was weak. International law dont really matter much in today's context, there are so many countries violating it anyway. The aggressor dont really care about legitmacy when they invade or occupy a foreign land.

It was possible for tibet to co-exist together with china, and there are many advantages for tibet to be part of china. China isnt all chinese anyway , china is multi-cultural too. But china is trying to make tibet a tibet for the chinese, and not a tibet for tibetans.
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ppl you need to get your facts straight. the British Empire had never succeeded in extending their territory east of the himalayas. Though the British, Tibetan and the former Chinese governments did try to settle the issue of Tibet in the early 1900s, the Chinese delegate did not turn up as a form of protest against British support for Tibetan independance. I'm sorry to have burst your bubble but tibet was never part of the British Empire.
On another note, I think this recent incident should've given the chinese government a warning regarding its ethnic policies.
no. Back then the british would never want a independent Tibet.They invaded Tibet because they intended to use Tibet as a buffer state against any russian incursions. An independent tibet would serve no purpose to the british,and it will invite russian influence.
the british invaded Tibet in 1904, and it was a british victory, they did not take any land , they're merely enforced a treaty. The chinese did not do anything because they were not in a position to do so. After they left Tibet, The british and russians agreed to recognise the suzerainty of china over tibet.
And then in the Simla Convention. British India annexed South Tibet ,and that is somewhat east of himalayas?, once again china is too weak to resist.
and about taiwan, its a hella lot more tricky situation there. i think its cool that frank hsieh has cthonic behind him, but then cthonic stopped short of declaring independence.

Yup i totally support ChthoniC ideas!!!!Hope that its not a ruling party policy again for them!!!

True. But in the end Tibet was still returned to China after the British Empire began to die away. Actually, the return of Tibet to China was rather... Hmmm, how do I put it... Weird... I mean, the Tibetans did protest for an independent state since Tibet consists of minority ethics who do not like the Hans Chinese.

Well, that's history for you. Mao Zedong took over Tibet in the end. And man, what a half-century of violence it has been.

Pity, pity, pity.