Thread Headings Can't Be Changed?


Well-known member
strange - even after editing it seems the main thread title cant be changed? Anyone else have this problem?
Fgl bro probably trying to use the title heading to laugh at Man utd's loss to coventry last nite, I understand the pain of not being able to that bro
Gsonique - easily amused arent you? ... next time we meet, I will tell you funnier stories then.
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Gsonigue - yep with an avatar like dat, we all should have known better!

Marcdadrummers - no worries, Im sure James will have this sorted out soon.
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fgl unable to pile on the misery of Man Utd fans...absolutely wonderful. I hope James sorts this out only after ARSEnal's ass get kicked.
hahaha ...never mind cut U manu lot some slack ... since U all in MISERY anyway ....
1 down, three to go in all competitions hur hur hur...