Those Looking For Gigs

nice to see you guys being proactive and actually doing something instead of sitting around moping! keep us updated, i'll do my best to come down and bring my friends! :)

EDIT: but yes, speaking from personal experience, a free gig will usually mess you up. You'll have more people than you can handle, potentially rowdy behavior from people who won't be held accountable, and it will be messy. Do impose a little door charge, and mark the people with a chop or tag or something. Paying generally makes people more sober and responsible.
i personally believe it shld be FOC. if you have to get your frens to PAY $$ to get you a chance to "show case" your talents. then its a fkin joke rite?.
lol.. how about putting a donation box, then at the end of the day the bands share money to pay together with the donation money.. if they happy then they give lor.. nobody force them... :)
Well, there are many ways of looking at it.

Somebody has to bear the cost of the show. For a small-scale, DIY show without sponsors, if you have it free of charge, the bands have to pay money.

Bands already invest in their equipment, rehearsal time, etc. That's alot of money! Now assuming that these guys are not loaded with cash, they will have to spend even more to book a venue to hold a show.

Why would you pay hundreds to watch My Chemical Romance to "show case their talents"?

Because you think it's worth it, and that the enjoyment you get out of it is worth the money coming out of your wallet.

So for you to spend money, you must enjoy yourself enough. For you to enjoy yourself enough, the bands must play well enough.

If the bands can promise you an entertaining show, you ought to pay them for it. If they're going to play like crap, then they haven't done their homework and practiced enough, then they don't deserve your money.

It's a fine line, and it requires both responsible bands who practice enough to be worth being paid for a performance, and a responsible crowd who isn't out to get a free show.
To the bands:

If you organize a show telling yourself "we can't get shows because we don't play well enough/we're not tight/we don't have enough material/we're not ready", then I can assure you it's going to be a painful experience.

Make sure you are as prepared as you can get. Nothing can prepare you 100% for your first show- it's an experience like nothing else. No amount of sharpening your axe can prepare you for cutting wood for the first time, but don't go with a blunt axe.

Do try and get some demoes out, or have friends sit in on your jams and get their input, and ask them to spread the word, et cetera so that people have a reason to catch you guys. A show with bad performances by bands that aren't ready leaves a bad taste in everybody's mouths (and ears) and gives the scene a bad impression.

To the crowd:

If you know the bands are prepared, rehearsed, and have put in the effort- part with a few dollars lah.

hey guys... i played at dxo in oct... wasn't a real good experience... had to sell 30 tix... count us in.... We're Loco... alt rock... recording our demo at focal dec first week...
thanks for ur advice visa, yep ill keep u updated. bands please pm me if interested, im planning to have 8 bands playing and there are still slots left!
i wanna show the other organisers that we can have an awesome gig without making the bands sell 30tix!!! haha!!
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atheist< hi, is there still slots ??

well, possible
call me at 9127 0829

and also..i still find that it would be good to have a $5 fee
it can be a pass or somthing..maybe you can get L-cube studio for help for that admin stuff

after it's still the 1 time so yeah...
But remember L Cube can fit in about 50 people even though the people there says 80. I tried it before. Perhaps you should find a bigger place if 8 bands are playing. We had 4 bands playing that time. Can try Zai Studio, I heard it's good. By the way, if you need help or people to help out in the gig. Feel free to ask me. I'm more than happy to help out.
zai studios is a great place too. and yep, we're around if you need help (and we happen to be free).

Oh ya... if it's a moshing gig, can't do it in L Cube. They don't allowed it probably because the studio is in 2nd floor and it's kind of small. You also need to pay $10 or $20 for the license to MDA to play there. Not sure for other places though. But these are the procedures and rules if you're making it at L Cube due to own personal experience.
Kids ...this is what we did when we started !:cool:

IMO ... 1) charge at least $2 for entry >>> money is good !
2) get crowd control organized
3) strict rules to maximum crowd allowed....if NOT observed, SCDF (i think) will come after studio owner who will chew your ass.

btw ...can i play oso ? :cool:
Since most bands play metalcore/screamo stuff, can we include Funeral Doom band in the list?
So no moshing is being done here..
Here's some helpful advice for you guys :)

1) For L cube, if there are more than 12 people in a room, it will be considered an event and their charges are $120 (i think) for first hour and 100 for subsequent hours. Quite cheap considering venue and equipment rental is included. Alternative solutions:
Substation for a block of 4 hours is about 400 (4 hours include your sound equipment set up and tear down time hor)
Sound equipment can be rented for about 500? Including PA and amps and all the other nitty gritty.

2) You have to apply for an Arts Entertainment License if you're holding the event in a venue that does not have a Public Entertainment License i.e L Cube
Read the rules here:
Note that some of rules are more catered toward large scale type performances.

3) Seriously, charge a fee.

Enjoy! ;)

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