Things i learnt in movies

in hongkong movies, alcohol makes your kungfu stronger.

Usually if the main heroine is "ugly" in the movie, she ain't really ugly and will become beautiful later.

In hongkong movies, you can always shoot with 2 guns.

if an asian actress is in a whiteman hollywood movie, the lead actor is usually white and gets to bed the asian.

if there is the only black supporting male actor in a whiteman film, usually he dies.

in HK movies, high ranking police inspector is usually white, and played by the same man over and over again.
In bollywood or most other movies, every punch u make and hit, although a slight hit, will make a *Bash* sound.
kid_slacker said:
and in indian movies..the hero and heroin can end up on the peak of the snow capped mountain in switzerland,in just seconds from their homeland india.the heroin will be scantily clad..jiggily jiggle..rolling down the snow..and not feel cold.the next second,they're on the streets!they sure put criss angel to shame nt an nt racist either..or rather..i am..i dun rilli like malays..tho im malay myself.heh.

you into emo or something???
Jr-V said:
In bollywood or most other movies, every punch u make and hit, although a slight hit, will make a *Bash* sound.

in chinese kungfu films, "vooofmm" is added to show the strength of the strikes/moves

sometimes they use powder to represent powerful strokes or projectile strikes
kid_slacker said:
im nt racist either..or rather..i am..i dun rilli like malays..tho im malay myself.heh.

take all the offence you want, that kinda spoilt my first online impression of you. :\
kid_slacker said:
im nt an nt racist either..or rather..i am..i dun rilli like malays..tho im malay myself.heh.

kid_slacker, u just had to come in and spoil this otherwise light hearted thread right... just say ur comment abt the movie and stop lah... haiz...
DoubleBlade said:
Whenever a women is being chased by a serial killer or rapist , she just had to trip on a piece of rock.... :roll:
OH that happens to girls too! Lol. In The Chronicles Of Narnia, the main character, this little girl, tripped over a rock when running away from danger. Haha.
oh and also, when a police officer is chasing a suspect, he'll always ditch the prospect of using his car at his side and rather run by foot and try to shoot around him while choosing... haha... the reason in indian films they get transported to various unreachable places is coz they are dreaming... so sing song also like dream what... lol.... i'm indian by the way and proud to be it =P kid_slacker
everytime an old man or somebody's sitting peacefully on his or her couch reading newspapers and having a nice cup of coffee.. he/she has to be interrupted by a doorbell/a phone ring/someone walking down the stairs saying e.g "bye dad/mom"
ouhkay ouhkay...distorted_soul..u cant get me to be proud being a malay..i mean..everytime i play soccer...i prefer very much to play wit the indians..cos i realised..they are a nice bunch of ppl to play with..filli fun..the play soccer for the sake of fun..they dun play like the malays..the malays sumtyms play like as tho its bet life and death..heheheheh
but u can't dislike malays just because of soccer?!?!? :roll:

but anyway enough of race talks!! this ain't yer mama's crib. get of ma ranch. :D

Leave out comments/remarks that invoke racisim.
Sterotyping is not very healthy, one men bad dosen mean ALL men are bad.

Why not go get urself a turkey, hang out with some friends and be Merry.

Coz its XMAS TIME!
different people play footy differently dude... u hate ur own race coz they are passionate about soccer? hey even if u played with us and u didnt take it seriously we wouldnt like it ok... malay guys(in my opinion) are among the best opponents to play against at a game of footy... so yeah... u childish little punk, get ur punani out of this thread...
distorted_soul said:
different people play footy differently dude... u hate ur own race coz they are passionate about soccer? hey even if u played with us and u didnt take it seriously we wouldnt like it ok... malay guys(in my opinion) are among the best opponents to play against at a game of footy... so yeah... u childish little punk, get ur punani out of this thread...

hey!! i love to play soccer with malays man.. agreed. they are one of the better opponents to play wif. throughout my life my best friends have been malays. and i don't have a problem with any of them.

well okok i think that's enough flaming alreayd. can we please stop here.
wait..malays..there are two types..the jokers..and the jackass..i like playing wit these two..but i dun like the nt racist juz..ermm...ermm...wait..i dunno wad i wanted to say..damn it..i forgot oredi..see lar thanks alot lar drummar_buah..hehe..u kena shoot got no grudges against drummar buah juz playing ard.
drummar-buah said:
distorted_soul said:
different people play footy differently dude... u hate ur own race coz they are passionate about soccer? hey even if u played with us and u didnt take it seriously we wouldnt like it ok... malay guys(in my opinion) are among the best opponents to play against at a game of footy... so yeah... u childish little punk, get ur punani out of this thread...

hey!! i love to play soccer with malays man.. agreed. they are one of the better opponents to play wif. throughout my life my best friends have been malays. and i don't have a problem with any of them.

well okok i think that's enough flaming alreayd. can we please stop here.

drummar-buah, i'm honoured 2 be your friend....really :D

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