The X & X Japan Official Thread

whos lola? lol X= sry still new here.

mm last time i got drunk was during my brothers birthday! ya now i remember thats kind of a long time ago. september..

oh ya anybody know any good guitar teachers who listens to x japan? i just started taking guitar lessons but i really havent learnt anything from my teacher at all.. im taking it with a friend who doesnt know how to play totally and he's like asking us to learn shit like bulevard of broken dreams and uh some cold play song i forgot the name. ah ehh ya yellow i think. anyway ive been through 3 lessons without learning anything. waste my money =/ so ya anybody?

2 more days to hide's birthday. ^^
bro, no need guitar teacher unless u want to be professional. if its for hobby... learn urself.. rmember..determination can beat anything.
well yeah. im learning myself but really la X= i dont understand a shit about the notes and chords. other than that i can read from tabs and play ya? = )
omgg its taiji! X=

no la i want take lessons cause i wanna learn how to improvise and write songs and stuff. if learn new songs as long as can find tab and i work harder abit give it time sure can 1 ya?

oh ya taiji sama, its psychedelic violence* crime and visual shock. oops i meant psychedelic violence crim of visual shock, hearing lastlive version of x too many times. toshi got to me.
if you wanted to play x songs.. no need to learn also can.

im a bassist also, and i am that lola lah..

i got took lesson also but a few months, coz i think its a waste. teach slow bla bla..

what you do is, practice at least 1 hour everyday...

i play 8 months only i perform silent jealousy, rose of pain, weekend, sadistic desire (yeah including the slapping part) on stage liao.. at youthpark.

i also can play dahlia, x, scars, rusty nail (this shd be ur first song), endless rain liao...

but i go through the hardway, i practice everyday.. guitarpro will be a good start...

but if you wanna be versatile, go take up lessons

just my 0.00000002cents tips ah... i also sucks at bass. not that good...

p/s:anyway hardest x basslines is ORGASM.. till now i cannot play perfect. damn damn hard. kurenai easier.
the kurenai gp tabs for bass froze my fingers. thats how slow I am,
eh, I saw your video on youtube, lola, not bad what.

Agreed that you should try rusty nail first, bouncychu.

i can do rustynail except the pre solo's a little slow X= other than that im okay. i can do the start of sadistic desire too, just started learning the song recently. u guys play both bass guitar and guitar? thats cool = ) oh ya call me vic.
hi vic,

hmm, you must be just start. X songs.. yoshiki songs their basslines all same patterns, once you can play X ... u can play all their song already..all same pattern one... all

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