The X & X Japan Official Thread

spinofdoom said:
I don't have a credit card...SO I only can buy from shops...

easy ar, you go apply for debit card. free, no limit, no need work also can, use it as long as u have a money in ur posb account.
I tried HMV, only found one copy of Dahlia(I think).

Besides that I couldnt find much.

Meh, but anyway, best is to go Japan and get them ^^

(If you can,anyway.)
hi guys ive been reading this thread for quite some time already but i havent posted cause i was lazy to register up till now. =D

anyways its glad to see so many x japan fans out there. im 14 years old and i was influenced by x japan around the start of this year. at around the middle of this year i fell in love with x japan and uh mainly hide X= after hearing that hide was really really fat as a kid and that he slimmed down, i was inspired and i lost 14 kg already yep i used to be really fat although im still a little on the plum side now, from 69 kg to 55 kg ^^ its amazing how much x japan done for me without them even knowing it! im sure im not the only one out there who's life has been changed by x japan! there's bound to be many many more.

favourite x japan songs

sadistic desire
say anything
say anything

lol got too many to name la. but really its glad to see that this thread isnt dying. as a fan i should do my part to help out. oh ya, it pains me to listen to toshi sing now adays. he has a really great voice but somehow its not right for me.
Heh...My fave from X-Japan is Taiji :D

Wow...Amazing that x-japan helped u lose weight...

My fave all time X-japan song:weekend
i like both dahlia and blueblood alot X= but hor i dunno bout u but ive always seen x and x japan as the same band, just that taiji left and heath joined ya? taiji's jumping all over the place and spinning around was cool though =/

anybody gonna celebrate hide's birthday with him? i am , 4 more days