Hahahaha yeahh the flagbearers. My friends and i were laughing away at the farce of it all. Today's newspapers also said it all: YOG venues empty despite all tickets being sold out. Why? Schoolkids, PRIMARY school kids are the ones going! FAIL. Isn't it supposed to be the secondary school and JC kids? Why aren't they there? Oh, because education comes first, so poor JC kids like me have to have prelim exams right during the YOG so i do't really have time to go down and watch. And if i do find time at the last minute, the tickets are all sold out. FAIL. C'mon, China had a 2week holiday prior to the Games for preparation, and they also had holiday during the Games, i saw many teens in the crowds attending the various events. But noooooooo, we can't sacrifice our studies can we? Seriously, Singapore organises some bigshit thing, oh its the first Youth Olympic Games EVER and it won't ever come back to Singapore our lifetime. What then, am i doing worrying about prelims when i'll gladly take time off to support the Games? FAIL.
This YOG event in Singapore has seen so many FAIL already, that we are already losing count.
1. YOG bus lanes are created - first time in Singapore. Motorists will be fined $130 for not giving way to olympic buses - first time in the world !!..........FAIL
2. Ridiculous and meaningless "monster" display in the opening ceremony..........FAIL
3. MOE and other government organisations buying up most of the venue tickets hoping to fill up the stadiums so as to "look good", leaving the public shortage of tickets........FAIL
4. YOG volunteers who sacrifice their time to make the event a success were rewarded with lousy miserable rations, while the foreign visitors feast like a king at the buffet table.........FAIL
5. And then the thankless souls suffered food poisoning.........DOUBLE FAIL
6. YOG bus drivers abuse their rights by speeding above speed limits, tail-gating and flashing headlights at motorists, recklessly endangering the public..........FAIL
7. Well, it has to happen! A YOG bus was involved in a seven vehicles collision along PIE..........MORE FAIL
8. Parents of Singapore's young athletes could not watch their children in action because of shortages of tickets due to point #3...........FAIL
9. Empty stadiums all over event venues because point #3 has backfired. In another words, the government has screwed up...........SUPER FAIL
10. Way overblown budget from a planned $110M to a now whopping $400M (of tax payers monies)...........MAJOR FAIL
Foreigners pleasing PAP telling us to be gracious and adopt the YOG spirit despite the on-goings of point #1 to #10.............EPIC FAIL !!!