you talking bout mah tere?????? :evil: a neck humbucker on a tele works ok! esp its a Bill Lawrence L450... sound like a BIG CLEAR single coil. I personally don't really like the muddy stock neck pickup of a tele.
I am jabbing at tele modders in general.
To me, a telecaster neck pup is useful. On low overdrive, I can control whether the strum is clean or over-driven by how hard I attack the strings. Light clean strum... harder (light overdrive) strum as drummer builds up the song... then suddenly roll up the volume knob or flip the pup selector to mid position for more crunch and attack.
For a humbucker, the strum is simply dirty no matter how lightly I touch the strings. Even with the volume knob rolled down...
I mod my les paul guitars to sound more like a telecaster! Treble bleed mods, coil split mods etc.
You guys put Porsche engines in your "Beetles" to make 'em roar like a Porsche. I am cutting down on the power of my Porsche so it can behave like a Beetle.