The Suns @ Mosaic Festival, Sunday 19th March

ahh...GSC was awesome too...everyone skanking=no room for bloody police to enter n pull ppl down for bodysurfing...awesome shit
Some photos from me..more to come :)







Please be nice and let me know if you wanna use them. :)
lol... i was standing right behind purplehaze... lol... i was supposed to film the show but due to some mutha fuxking problems i had to leave early... but at least on the way back home i grabbed both the suns and rivermaya's albums... HO EH!
they were they were... i'm now ripping the tracks on the cds to mp3 for easy portablility and distribution... hehehehe :twisted: :twisted:
Nice pics Lurgee! Glad to see you're not using the grayscale effect anymore. I'm kinda sick of seeing black and white photos of gigs. Colour is such a wonderful change!

Good job! 8)
Levaiathan said:
Nice pics Lurgee! Glad to see you're not using the grayscale effect anymore. I'm kinda sick of seeing black and white photos of gigs. Colour is such a wonderful change!

Good job! 8)


Thanks. :) registered just to tell me this?
Well, the stage had such nice colours..I usually do b/w when the lighting sucks and when I'm in one of those moods. Haha.
Such friendly people I met in the front row! haha

Big hellos to:

and a whole bunch of others that didnt introduce themselves

it was fun with all the moshing and crowd surfing and the 'happening' uncle that was on the left side of the stage which I suspected was Anthony Kan hehehe

The writer from I.S mag was with me, so no point writing too much on it - San did fantastic despite his injury, excellent performances from Patrick Chng and the other sessionist (you need 2 guys to cover 1 san... testament to his skill) and powerful performances with the crosshand crashes and impeccable rolls from Wayne Thunder. Jboss was the boss as usual
