The Suns @ Mosaic Festival, Sunday 19th March


New member
Hi Guys!

Not sure if anyone posted anything about this gig but anyways The Suns will be playing on Sunday 19th @ The Mosaic Festival, Esplanade! 7pm and 8.45pm.

Although our dear San Singer has an injured elbow, the band will still carry on with a stand in guitarist.

Do be there to lend our support! Think it's their last show before heading back to Australia.

More info here.


bah. maybe i can still make it.. :wink: lurgee u'll be shooting right?
Re: ugh.

Perplexed said:

bah. maybe i can still make it.. :wink: lurgee u'll be shooting right?

Wad time book in? They playing 2 sets mah. Go in your no4 lah. If CV den even better. Heh. you know I'll be shooting? :p
lepids said:
wah.. u go shooting ar?

thinking of going.. since it's the SUNs! heard them on Mr brown..

yup gonna go shooting. hehe. :p go and support local music! The Suns are a great band. :)
yikes..i hope i'll be able to deliver. :p but i do hope you'll be able to make it! if not go during their soundcheck lah..shd be happening in 2hrs..ard 3pm. :p
i'll stay home and take a rest. was thinking of going but too tired.

so lurgee, i'm waiting for ur good pics to come!!
i jus got back..guess my pix are gonna suck.
stupid security and stupid cisco guard. they wouldn't let me in despite holding on to a pass..but my pass didn't mention the word photographer. idiots. spoilt my mood but nonetheless it was a great 2 sets from the band!

photos soon. :p
Aww I loved the sets today. :) It was happpppennnnnning! Whoopeedoooo. Heh and alot of condoms and underwears were strewn all over the place. Haha. (;
Haha..yeah..disposable undies oso have..boxers too! I was looking to see bras being thrown forward though. Hahaha. :p

I'm still bitching abt the security..arghhh.
lurgee: Haha. Where were you standing at? Talking about the security, I was just wondering how the situation would be like if one of the undies and stuffs were accidentally thrown to their faces. :/ What happens after that would most likely NOT be a very pretty sight. Lol.
Hello Lurgee, which side were you on for the sun set :p I was on the left side facing the stage . These are some of the pics I took






pepper- said:
lurgee: Haha. Where were you standing at? Talking about the security, I was just wondering how the situation would be like if one of the undies and stuffs were accidentally thrown to their faces. :/ What happens after that would most likely NOT be a very pretty sight. Lol.

1st set i was right in the front center. 2nd was just slightly to the right.

Haha..that would be interesting! Some used/soiled undies would be nice! :p Too rigid! They weren't doing their job too! Arghhh.
purplehaze3691 said:
Hello Lurgee, which side were you on for the sun set :p I was on the left side facing the stage . These are some of the pics I took

Hey man,

I was in the center right in front for the 1st set and just slightly to the right for the 2nd. I should have been inside leh. :p

Nice pix..thanks for sharing! :)
the guy on the guitar looks like moe alkaff. hee

so anyway, the suns was good. never hear their music before till today. but well, the 'MATS' who were present sure was at the wrong place.

p/s: i wasnt trying to be racist by emphasising the word mat.

so anyway, enjoyed the suns !
cheeeeeken skinheads.never liked it when they're around. bound to be some trouble. but the bodysurfing was good thouhg. jsut afraid of their steel toes hitting my head.

MY BOY LOLLIPOP. okay out of place but who cares.