Sold a lot of other axes and gear already. A bit hard to count all the way back to 12-13 years ago. trimming down....
Sold Stocks
MIJ Ibanez S540LTD $999
CIJ Fender Strat ST72 $800
Epiphone Les Paul Custom Upgraded $1500
Fender Squier California Strat $275
Boss MT2 $180
Boss EQ $100
Zoom 2020 $250
Epiphone Les Paul Standard Upgraded $620
Epiphone Les Paul Standard $450
Line 6 UX 1 $299
Total: $5473.00
Current Stocks
MIM Deluxe Player strat Upgraded $1200
CIJ Fender Telecaster ST71 $750
Ibanez PGM3 Upgraded $900
Epiphone Special II $299
Vox Valvetronix AD100VT $550
Laney LX35D EXTREME $350
Line 6 POD X3 LIVE $752
Ibanez Smash Box $130
Grier Acoustic $270
Yamaha 12 String Acoustic $399 * My First Acoustic*
Yamaha Classical Guitar *Free*
Digital Tuner $25
Total: $5625.00
Grand Total for a decade of splurging.....
Grand Total: $11098.00
OMFG!!! I havent really realised how much i spent all these years untill now that i start counting and there is actually more odds and ends like hard cases, parts, repair, mods that i can't really recall in detail. better don't let the wifey know about this...
Damn.... That's a lot of money.....