The S.O.F.T SX Thread.


New member
After reading all those posts about SX at talkbass, I thought i'd start my own since the mods they did to their SX may not be available in Singapore.

I'll start off with questions:
Who stocks SX in Singapore? (Besides Davis.)
What is this Bone Nut? (Issit available in Singapore?)
Anybody does custom pickguards in Singapore?
In terms of shapes like this:

Anybody seen a SX PJ in Singapore?
Like this one:

Ship in from rondomusic ftw!

I dunno bout any of you, but if anything, i'd settle for these and do some whacked out modding on them...
Get one from Davis. SXes are good, but the workmanship can't compare to Fenders. The necks feel a lil chunky too. The pickups are pretty under-powered, but do give a good tone. The lows are too muddy for me.
Stay tuned. May be gettng my first bass early next year. Saw a SX Red Jazz with black pickguard at Davis. 8O Sooo nice! But Jazz :?
I got one SX bass too hahahahah! Bought it frm Davis though, but what country is SX made frm? isit considered a good bass for beginners?
1) rondomusic doesn't ship internationally if I remember correctly.. then again I might be wrong!

2) Bone nuts supposedly give better tone when you're playing an open string, but honestly I haven't noticed a difference between bone and a (good) plastic nut.

Davis can probably bring in an SX of your choice if you ask them...
fireb0i123 said:
Anybody does custom pickguards in Singapore?

Yup, Gr3y ( A softie ) Does make custom pickgaurds.

and how much does an SX bass cost ?

Eg, the Red jazz bass u talking about..

At Davis it's a standard $250 for a SET (got amp, gig bag etc etc)
$245 for a 5-string Jazz (On a P body). Just the BASS ONLY.


Don't buy the red jazz. It's gonna be MINE! :twisted:
superkicky said:
1) rondomusic doesn't ship internationally if I remember correctly.. then again I might be wrong!

2) Bone nuts supposedly give better tone when you're playing an open string, but honestly I haven't noticed a difference between bone and a (good) plastic nut.

Davis can probably bring in an SX of your choice if you ask them...

1) They don't BUT Kurt was a nice guy enough to not play by the rules. (USD100 for shipping thou.)

2) are bone nuts sold in Singapore?

Davis only brings in what they got now, in different colours. I once emailed them about this.

And one more thing, how much for a pro set up and wiring?
Does anybody do refinishing in Singapore? (In case somebody does not like the colour of their bass.) And how much?

And NO, I'm not even thinking about refinishing an SX! If I had one :?
I have a feeling this thread would give Davis lotsa business...


I want this one! 159 US! Do you think Davis can bring it in?

But the red with black pickguars seems secks.. especially if the headstock is red too... Hmmm.. Tetsu, ftw!

Btw can somebody give a review on these basses?
The extra price you're paying for is mainly that for cosmetic purposes. SX basses are quite good for the money, though they can't compare to better made Fenders or any other higher end brands. I always found the hum annoying on the SX; make sure you get some copper foil and shield the control cavity!

Neck feels chunky, but it could be just me. Electronics-wise it's adequate, but there's a lil of cracking noise when turning pots. Fret-ends are not properly filed-down, you must do that yourself if you do not want to get cut.

Rating : 7.5/10

Head over to Harmony Central for a more comprehensive list of reviews!
Slash04 said:
I have a feeling this thread would give Davis lotsa business...


I want this one! 159 US! Do you think Davis can bring it in?

But the red with black pickguars seems secks.. especially if the headstock is red too... Hmmm.. Tetsu, ftw!

Btw can somebody give a review on these basses?

There's a review about it at harmony central. And be sure to look at the thread at talkbass called sumthing like Essex reality check. It's about a pro's opinion about SX. Value for the money but not all that.
Go search yourself! I lazy to give you links. :lol:

Davis ain't gonna get much SX business if they continue bringing n just 2 basses! Mayb we could do a petition or sumthing :lol:
i think refinishing is 400 bucks at guitar connection.
go to woh fatt in malaysia to get more varieties of sx basses. if you think shipping from rondo is too ex, just take a bus down to kl.