The power of the internet!

The youtube girl

Hello! this is kxy aka singaporean youtube girl LOL
I just wanted to tell you guys how i got so famous.
My videos didn't get to Most Viewed without reason.
Tell you a secret;
Actually this aussie woman spotted my videos and she wanted to promote me and at the same time test out her hacking skillz i think.
So she brought traffic to my videos using this software thingy.
And yeah, that's how i "shot to fame overnight"
I'm not that great actually haha
Wah. This standard yall also praise. Wait till I post up my videos first lah. :mrgreen:


But seriously. Why was there a Fairfield girl in the video. I hate EL.

Thanks to whoever for the link to Crestfallen (Acoustic).

Man. I need to work that acoustic geetar of mine hard man. Relac one corner and collect dust.

Und +1 to whatever blank said.


Well, congrate but that was really too honest of you hahahahaha ! .... " Just Tell your Aussie Friend - Don't Hack Soft " ......... Thank You... and since it's your 1st Post here at Soft ....

A Warm Welcome and Do Enjoy Your Stay Here At Soft ... "It's Music In Singapore"
Hahaha reminds me of what my guitarist said to my keyboardist who's trying to learn guitar the other day:

"Now you regret learning the wrong instrument right, cannot jio girls."

Of course the flipside of learning guitar to serenade girls is that if the girl you're jio-ing knows guitar, she might be turned off by your bad guitar-playing...:S
Hi, talktothewalls. Welcome to Soft.

You have a good voice. Fairly steady with the guitar playing. But quite honestly, I would say you are perhaps just above average. That's just MY opinion, though... which doesn't amount to much.
compared to the tons of talented people on youtube, her singing + playing is not bad, but not great. same goes for her looks. same goes for her choice of covers. and her thoughts as noted on her blog.

but of course, never underestimate the power testosterone exerts over us guys. :twisted:

anyway, forever the sickest kids is one of those ultra-hyped/trendy bands, so you can bet they have tons of myspace "friends" who religiously cling on to the band's every action (such as posting the cover vid on their myspace page). combined with youtube, this girl's gonna get pretty popular for awhile, and the inevitable backlash will occur too.

all i can say is good luck and ignore the internet bitching/harassment fallout.
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