The Post Rock Community in SG

i like tera melos, by the end of tonight and envy.
dont know much about the genre but i heard those bands can be labelled as post rock.
haha... actually POST ROCK does not have a signature sound. only "postrock" does have a signature sound.

I found "postrock" thro Kranky label was pushing out bands like Jessamine, Labradford, AMP, yadda yadda yadda and they're not the typical, clean, build up, massive distortion liftyourskinnyfistlikeantennatoheaven, slow down, end. I have label fatique for the longest time and "postrock" is exactly one of those that gives me fatigue.

There's much more to post rock that the typical song format.
exactly. there are so many varieties of music that have been labelled 'post-rock' or whatever. bands like euphone and slint doesn't even sound like what typical post-rock bands sound like. for me it's almost always about the sharing of ideas and evoking of powerful emotions through uncommon sounds and textures. but that's universal for a LOT of music.

all these people who want to pigeonhole music that doesn't need pigeonholing. but I don't really care as long as I'm enjoying it.
Post-rock is quite an umbrella term for any instrumental rock...

I do enjoy listening to bands like Explosions in the Sky, Mono, Tortoise, Toe, etc. They sound really melodic and soothing to your ears, especially the Japanese post-rockers.
i'm more excited about their upcoming ep and lp, and collaboration with rory erickson!

me too! I can't wait till september!

They're touring with the Fark Buttons.. You should check them out too... Their album Street Horrrsing was recorded by John Cummings of Mogwai and mastered by Bob Weston of Shellac.
sad to say yeah.. they can't make it to Singapore. Their schedule too tight to include a Sngapore show. Had to re-neg for a weekend date in KL. At least we hope Singaporeans would want to make the trip up for the weekend.
Glad to see such a lively discussion.

However, lets not digress too much as to forget the thread is also about whether this genre is suitable for the scene in Singapore. At gigs with other bands, do post rock bands lose out? do they appeal to an audience in general?

Sad to note that Toe isn't playing here.
why bother if its suitable? Suitable for who? unless you wanna win Superband and get to play corporate functions.........postrock is definitely one big step above avant garde experimental and should endear one to the indie-emo crowd........biggest you'll get is Baybeats which is pretty decent already...........previous Baybeats had Msian bands like Furniture, KLPHQ etc.........
First, there was the idea. The idea wasn't about whether it's suitable enough. Suitable is subjective. it's only suitable if it has any impact on the scene, which is highly subjective. and considering the idea of "post-rock" in and of itself has been around for a decade or more, I can say the influence on the local scene now is only marginal at best.

Still the onus is on us if we love it enough to make good music and spread it, and for that it doesn't matter whether it's popular or not, or whether it loses out to other mainstream music, or is it even experimental enough.

(was that pretentious enough?)

lastly, post-rock beats post-paper. and here's something you can wear for POST-ROCK success!

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so do any of you think it loses out to music of other genre? i mean come on, how often do you see an instrumental band. the last instrumental band i saw at a gig was my own band. the scene here is flooded with metal heads, emo, indie, punk, and people who want to revive previously popular genres. ample space for the alternative? tell me your thoughts.
to be totally honest... i don't really give a damn. I'd rather not see too many Mogwai/EITS/Mono type of copycat bands regularly at gigs. Something more exciting and makes you go WOW! than the same old same old "post rock".

As always these will all end up as words on teh interwebs like the rest of the gabajillion words. There's a small experimental music following in singapore with much thanks to FLUXUS, Kittywu and Aging Youth. Get in touch with these people and network with the bands. In any scene(sic) networking is necessary.