The official MetallicA thread.

In my oponion,Trapped Under Ice is the most underrated song metallica have ever recorded.The riff is superb wonderful...what a masterpiece by james hetfield and not to forget the other 3 horsemen...Metal up your ass friends!!
haha, i suppose you havent heard "The other new song" then.

I got the livemet version yesterday :D

btw i got the vinyl in sydney. my mate gave it to me for my birthday. the shop sells soo many tallica vinyls. like $5.98 EP (which costs about $250aud :P), vinyl signed by cliff, rare vinyls and everything. awesome shop.
new tallica dvd coming out..


Music video compilation on DVD to be released December 4/5, 2006!

We've been getting requests for many years to release all the promotional videos in a format that you can take home to your living room... now it's finally happening! The DVD release, "Metallica: The Videos 1989-2004," is comprised of every video we have ever made, 21 in all, as well as the 1989 release "2 of One," (previously only available on VHS). Also included is "Mama Said," which never aired in North America, maybe not even anywhere in the world, and a few little extras such as "The Unforgiven" theatrical version and the "Some Kind Of Monster" film trailer. All the audio has been re-mixed in 5.1 surround sound.

Look for the DVD at your favorite music store on December 4 in most of the world, December 5 in North America. Keep an eye on the Store for more details on how you can pre-order your copy...coming soon!

Here is the track listing:
One 7:41
Enter Sandman 5:28
The Unforgiven 6:21
Nothing Else Matters 6:24
Wherever I May Roam 6:05
Sad But True 5:26
Until It Sleeps 4:32
Hero Of The Day 4:30
Mama Said 4:51
King Nothing 5:26
The Memory Remains 4:37
The Unforgiven II 6:33
Fuel 4:35
Turn The Page 5:49
Whiskey In The Jar 4:43
No Leaf Clover 5:33
I Disappear 4:28
St. Anger 5:50
Frantic 4:55
The Unnamed Feeling 5:29
Some Kind Of Monster 4:28

2 Of One - Introduction 5:43
One (Jammin' Version) 5:05
The Unforgiven (Theatrical Version) 11:29
Metallica: Some Kind Of Monster Film Trailer 2:27



nitrovo that is the funniest shit! rofl

ok, since the thread is about Metallica and to me, Cliff Burton IS Metallica, this post is dedicated to him. not sure how many of you have seen the above video on youtube. it's an outtake of the Lars/Dave interview from SKOM. the last part, right at the end just says it all for me. not only was Cliff Burton the musical anchor of the band he was also the psychological anchor. ppl who think of him just as the former bassist are really missing it. he was the embodiment of Metallica. he was the one who made James and Lars move to SF coz he hated the glam scene in LA. he was the one with the classical theory and the one who pushed his musical tastes onto the other 3, ultimately influencing their sound. and he was the one who would keep Lars and James in check. i firmly believe he would never have allowed a record like Load or even the black album to be made under the name of Metallica. IMHO, once they lost Cliff, they lost the plot.

i love them for what they were, what they created. but they have truly lost all direction and purpose without Cliff. to me they are two completely different bands. i don't hear the pioneering, barrier-pushing, metal up your ass band anymore. i hear a pale reflection that honestly sounds worse then some bands they inspired. to me that's sad. even after line-up changes, Megadeth, Slayer and Anthrax can still put out a decent record today. why has Metallica changed so much?

Ans: Cliff Burton


any idea when is their new album coming out??

ive heard much speculation and rumors about it and i also heard that its gonna be totally different from thier infamous punk album aka STanger.
It's funny how influential Metallica are. Yet, the bands that they influenced are generally better than them. Except Trivium.