Of course he's the real deal! His IP address shows he is logged on in Italy.
Anyway, Giorgio, I'm still waiting to built my new 64-bit machine (waiting for a few more parts). And you can imagine the Trumpet will be one of the first new samples I'll get to add to my others. I'm just tired of GS - I've been using GS since version 1, then upgraded to version 2, skipped version 3. And now with GS4, I'm still wondering if I should get it. Seeing more and more developers jumping ship to Kontakt or their own proprietary engine is tempting me to switch to Kontakt. I'm still quite sore that I got Kirk Hunter's library in Giga version and he too jumped ship to Kontakt.
But anyway, have you considered ARIA as the core engine? It's now a race for 64-bit and Kontakt is still trying to get it done.