The future of here!

Actually, I didn't think he's an imposter. I really want to know more about sampling and this Trumpet.
Of course he's the real deal! His IP address shows he is logged on in Italy.

Anyway, Giorgio, I'm still waiting to built my new 64-bit machine (waiting for a few more parts). And you can imagine the Trumpet will be one of the first new samples I'll get to add to my others. I'm just tired of GS - I've been using GS since version 1, then upgraded to version 2, skipped version 3. And now with GS4, I'm still wondering if I should get it. Seeing more and more developers jumping ship to Kontakt or their own proprietary engine is tempting me to switch to Kontakt. I'm still quite sore that I got Kirk Hunter's library in Giga version and he too jumped ship to Kontakt.

But anyway, have you considered ARIA as the core engine? It's now a race for 64-bit and Kontakt is still trying to get it done.

Our scripts are Kontakt specific. They involved considerable effort and costs. I won't switch to another sampler, which is BTW in an early phase of development. Also, the 64 bit version of Kontakt may be closer than one expects ;)

Oh wow! Thats cool. The waveform is exactly the same!!

Giorgio, you have arouse an interest with me to look at research papers on computer music and sampling! I went to look it up on JSTOR and found a few just to know the background to appreciate your advancement. Very interesting!

Although I'm not even a user and I don't even know how to see your ip address to know you're logging on from Italy. Hahahaa... :D

Btw, hope that you weren't offended.
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One more thing Giorgio, which I think many would be interested in. What is the next library up your sleeve? You probably already answered this in the northernsounds forum, but it's good everybody here knows.

It appears the trombone may be the next natural progression from the trumpet. But I would REALLY like to know when you're going to come up with the saxophone. If anybody can pull it through getting the most realistic sax, it's going to be your sample modelling technology. VSL is close, but it's near impossible to get all the complex playing styles live (eg. in real life, a slight change in embouchure in the sax will cause a significant change in tone). This has remained the greatest challenge today for sampling - and we're all waiting for you to break through the age-long barrier.

I'm sorry to say that this is of course reserved information. :rolleyes:

Somebody says we are dancing at the sound of solo (+ensemble?) strings, and someone even reports of Stefano Lucato wildly playing a saxophone in the darkest nights, hidden to the Western Hemisphere. :mrgreen:


Oh dear. If it's going to be solo strings, I'll be stuck when Garritan finally releases the Stradivari and Gofriller in the ARIA engine. But if it's ensemble strings...woohoo!

But I would still like to dream that Stefano is playing his sax lately...hopefully he plays it well... ;)
Seldom see Cheez so excited. hehe...:mrgreen:

I think it could be some exotic ethnic instrument. Coz Giorgio said that it could be unexpected.
No. Ethnic instruments not likely. The need for more realistic orchestral instruments is greater. It also targets a larger niche of arrangers/composers.
How about these?

A list of unexpected instruments:
Definitely not plucked strings. Current sampling technology is sufficient. You don't need modelling to get the results. Definitely either strings or winds. As for winds, the instruments that will benefit most from modelling is saxaphone and other brass instruments (trombone and french horn). Euphonium too small a niche. As with tuba.

If it is strings, it's likely to be section strings instead of solo as Giorgio had already done that with Garritan (Stradivari Violin and Gofriller Cello). Garritan should be releasing them in his new ARIA engine - hopefully soon. But there's news that Garritan is doing an the complete string section as well, probably with the same technology.

So my bet would be saxophone or brass.
I knew it!!!! I knew it!!!! Just when I was thinking about whether I should get VSL sax. Looks like I have to wait for this one!

And Giorgio, please, please, soprano sax!!!!
I did! I was listening to it while surfing other stuff.

Every note sound so good. Is it even possible for anybody to play that and sound bad?
I don't mean that about whether it sounded good. I'm actually referring to realism. What I meant is that with the eyes closed, it sounded like person playing a real sax. Seeing the player on the keyboard causes some, what do you call it, visual-auditory confusion of sorts....