New member
Eh boonz - dun go - your re-inforcement is here
Like that one lah bro.Loserfool fans will always walk alone.
Eh boonz - dun go - your re-inforcement is here
Alonso don't jump ship.Well if Toure jump ship then Alonso?That one more power.
Man U lost 2 key players,
Liverpool ain't tt different from last year, and
Arsenal looks a spent force
Chelsea for the title![]()
Alonso don't jump ship.
Alonso don't jump ship.
He just return home :mrgreen:
Of cause the same thing can't say with manures crybaby.
Liverpool fans are a loyal bunch of supporters.
Don't need to tag team with other fans to tekan opposition.
There's no such thing as your enemy is my enemy.
+1 for this joke!!Cause you Loserfools are hated by the mass.Thats the real fact.Not that you guys are loyal.
dioswkg: fgl is now a manure...
liverpool sucks!
bring on the new seasons .. bets open for tong seng chicken rice !
Boonz : Shuddap already la. Your pathetic attempts at glorifying a loser of a club is getting really really really old. And stale. And smelly.
u owe me and shikin chicken rice haven buy still wanna bet ah?!?!?!?!?!?!!
i will nvr shut up unless fgl admits tat he is a manure fan...