The Dark Knight: Movie of the year?


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I don't know if anyone agrees but the late Heathe Ledger played an awesome role as the Joker and the whole movie is just f**kin ACE!

1. Ledger's potralyal of the Joker is superb, almost like the comic book - chilling especially just before he kills his victims ...."YOU WANNA KNOW HOW I GOT MY SCARS?" I donno about Oscar material but he beats Jack Nicholson's Joker in the 1st Batman movie.

2. The movie is more violent, dark and a little twisted (also alot like the dark knight comics) and not some cappy kiddy like rendition (e.g Batman return, Batman forever & Batman & robin) trilogy movies. It's very adult and the action and story line is quite believable.

3. Christian Bale is my choice as the best Batman / Bruce Wayne ever. I prefer the late Sir John Gilgud as Alfred (the dude from the previous Batmanmovies) as his potrayal was closer to the comics. Michale Caine'sovertly cockney accent falls just short of the previous Alfread.
Gary Oldman as Jim Gordon - another milestone.... best yet compared to the other "elderly - retirement age Gordons" as potrayed previously. As for Rachael Dobbs - I dont see how Maggie Gyleenhaal performs any better than Katie Holmes. Holmes is more attractive too. Really good show by the Eckhart dude as well as two face - super duper white knight nice / evil twisted persona.

4. The action / fight scenes were good too without being too over the top unbelievable.

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They said Heath Ledger might win an Oscar for this role eventhough he has passed away.
I definitely agree it's the best movie I've watched this year! When I was watching Iron Man I thought, wow, this is good stuff. But The Dark Knight just blows Iron Man out of the water!

The action sequences are definitely ace, especially that one where Batman flips over a [spoiler!] (OH MY F*#KING GOD!!!) and the huge car chase scene with the Batpod. Aaron Eckhart was much better than Tommy Lee Jones imho, much more realistic and human and he portrayed the breakdown of Harvey Dent really well.

Of course, props still go to the mindblowing performance of Heath Ledger. He's just so incredibly mesmerising! You quite literally can't take your eyes off him. Halfway through I realised I was shaking, and I thought it was the air-con at first until I realised I was scared shitless. He's simply awesome, unhinged and pyschotic.

Yeah, I ain't gonna spoil it anymore. Bottom line is: prepare 30 bucks, and watch it three times!
in my honest opinion, the late heath ledger deserves an oscar for his role as the joker in dark knight. it is really amazing and yet at the same time creepy as to how he managed to get so deep into the joker's character. supposedly he trained by isolating himself in a hotel room for one month studying the character and stuff. amazing. and there's some part/s in the movie (which i shant reveal) where what he does is unscripted but it happened cause he was so into character.

overall, the movie was awesome although i thought it's not a kind of movie meant for kids to watch even though the thought of batman from the comics and cartoons would attract kids. like mentioned before, the movie is rather dark and twisted and throughout the movie it keeps grappling with your mind with regards to your stereotypical mindset. it plays around with your moralities and righteousness and i feel that this made the movie more than just another movie from the comic books. i watched yesterday, and till now my mind's still thinking about it and some of the issues that was raised in the movie. but very nice still :)

i'm definitely gonna watch it again =D
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Ok lah, he played joker quite well, but I'm gonna blame the screen writers for the lack of 'jokerness' in the joker. ITS NOT MAKEUP. And he didn't seem CRAZY!! enough.....

But overall its a good movie, everything is so intricately planned out. So much like the joker.
u sure u watched the right movie? the scene tt made me laugh the most was the pencil trick...hahaha. twisted, funny and bloody random. A classic.

more so than jeepers? :rolleyes::mrgreen:

BTW the biggest irony is that the joker survives in the movie (posible for a 2nd outing?) but Ledger's dead. What a waste of pure brilliant talent.
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WORST JOKER OF ALL TIME has to be Caesar Romero from the campy "Adam West" Batman TV series ...
Tag line: ho ho ho ...



Jack Nicholson was good too. tag line: have U ever danced with the devil in the pale moonlight?


the ultimate joker: Why so serious / U know how I got these scars?

soft joker:
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Oh my goodness the pencil trick was da shit!!

But I loved his dialog with two-face in the hospital, 'chaos is fair' 'introduce a little anarchy', the whole speech was so joker like.
i don't think we should judge eckenhart's ability to play two face ah.. he didnt really have much screentime as two face. the bulk of his character was more on harvey dent than two face
Quote ---> "I still preferred tommy lee playing that role"

u gotta be kidding me. U muz have loved the nipples on the old batsuit too
ohh yesss.. Dark Knight was an awesome movie! Heath ledger really brought his role forward.. i felt that this Joker was the best villain to date!
definitely the best for me
and and and....joker totally pwned batman!

i wouldn't mind watching it in cinema again.
definitely will get the dvd when it's out.
the battle of wit between the joker and batman...woah, simply awesome and mind blowing! defintely a must watch for movie connoisseurs!