THe BEst And The Worst...........

I think with a little sound balancing and self control, most thats most stuudios can sound reasonably "ok" - i mean dont expect concert sound or anything coz studios are for putting the band together so to speak.

I haave tried most of the studios arond and my personal favourite still remains the recently renovated Dan Enterprise studio at Peninsula Shopping Ctr. Nice large room, good big Yamaha 200 watt amps.

Most important can start / end slightly late wont be penalised, open till the odd hours of the night and can eat, drink & SMOKE rite outside the studio in the waiting area.

It's a cult favourite jam place previously among the skinheads who used to hang out ta the 4th floor (before the police crackdown there).

get some dan, get some
Best studio:Beat merchants :D Rooms are big at 12 bucks per hour on week days and i think thats real cheap.

Worst studio:Wee Lee(Simei and Aljunid) :evil: :lol: i think you guys know the reasons.
I am amazed that people slam Wee Lee at Aljunied so badly. I'd only been there recently, mostly becos I used to jam at the Wee Lee in Upp S'goon. I agree that the aircon sucks, the guy wasn't there when I went there (the shop was closed).

But other than that, I have to say that room was big enough. Didn't qte like the equipment (JC120s) there, but that's subjective, becos I have a preference for Peaveys, altho practically ever player I know loves Marshalls, Crates, Laney, Mesa Boogie... heck anything but the Peaver (except maybe Tom Morello). So...

Can't believe the state of Lee Kwong Seng now. I used to go there a lot. Did our first ever recording there. In fact, the guy actually bought wireless remotes for the guitars becos my band kinda requested it for live shows... So am also shocked at the state of it now...

My aboslute faves are gone... The old MYX at Upp S'goon was great, had a nice rooftop area to makan, drink and smoke (actually, the MYX at Kallang Pudding is okay too lah)... back in the good ol' days! hahaha

Have heard a lot about TIET, but never been. Met the owners tho and they seem like nice people. Also like G77's studio at Excelsior.

fgl, if I use your name at Dan's can get discount??? hahaha

Dislike Seng Chai, because the pple there are grumpy, that's all, just grumps.
Best: U.S Studios at JooChiat Road 442A. Absolutely love the drums there. Its a Pearl SESSION CUSTOM!!! The Kick is amazing. Sabian XS20s and Sonic ProsThe walls have proper acoustic treatment. I.e. no headache inducing echoes. Great mackie amps. and for those audiophiles you have a mackie VLZ mixer to play around with. Fender and epiphone guits. no cheapo unheard of brand guitars here. And a fender Jazz bass!!! Last but not least. Can record your own cds here too!! dunno if many of you heard of this studio before but heres its website. and slightly off topic. theres this little chicken pie shop next to it. Die die must try.

Worst: I would have to say weelee aljunied. Rooms without proper sonic treatment. argh. and drummers. have you heard the cymbals??? I was also quite shocked and freaked out when one of the toms slid of the holder. realised the wingnut was missing.
Nice, same goes here too.. I would vote the 'BEST' for U.S Studios! I was pretty impressed by the drums there. Its Pearl SMX!! I've been trying very hard to find a studio which have decent drum kit, I tried a lot of studios and U.S Studios is now my no.1 choice! Sometimes I would just pay a little bit more to do 'LIVE' recording and just listen where and what I have gone wrong during my jamming with band.

Erm, for 'WORST', I got to say its WEE LEE at Aljunied. No offense but, sometimes I really can't stand the drums and such(smell) :X
fourtones seems to be one of the best studio on my list. sound and price wise , so far its the best.

worst studio got to be lee kuang seng.
freaking sucky service and lousy sound , dark room and everything horrible you can think of. :twisted:
WORST: cfm is wee lee. reason why, the shortie uncle dash in as when he like. damn rowdy. the other uncle is trapped in the birdcage and only talk from the inside. best thing is when i went to the aljunied side, the uncle told me that the shortie is a retard. i was like, a retard can smoke? and scold vulgarity fluently.

BEST: Boons. the steady uncle and auntie always steady steady
wee lee really became so bad? me last time 2 or 3 yrs back when im still jamming used to frequent.. think the uncle so know us and everything was ok.. bmc at bedok... is his brother one.. had a good time with the uncle there also.. infact was there before the last uncle still there haha
yeah,Wee Lee is definitely getting worse...the equipment is still the same even when I first started jamming there..and it was like around 3 years ago or something..but yeah,it sucks..nowadays the shortie uncle with the black teeth not around that much,he always go in and stop everything..the other uncle with the specs is chilled..he stand outside first..but yar,the equipment still sucks.

I only like it coz it's kinda industrial looking,very run down..if the equipment was better..I wouldn't mind..

oh yeah,when you use the $10 room..MUST use earplugs..I don't know how I can survive all those jamming back then..the walls are sucky! not soundproofed or anything..then the sound come back very sharp..and the mic easily feedbacks..the drums in those rooms also suck..

ok I b*tched alot there.. :P
hmm...i am surprised no one mentioned OLANDO jamming studio! it coz the uncle and auntie are nice people...and i like the ambience...pretty cool lightings...marshall amps...drums,mic and bass amps are pretty decent.Like the smell of the place.And its pretty close to where i stay. :D reasonably priced too. The next is Tiet...gosh...the mic smells like a woman! the scent is ahhhhhhh....makes me wanna smooch the mic...haha i sound sick but yeah..nice...But i dint really like the bass amp..too small not powerful enough....yeah the guitar amps were good though.
Worst: weeeleee serangoon....dint like the shortie dude....rude guy. Run down place,smelly guitar straps.

BEST JAMMING STUDIO: Tiet last room. Although a bit small but a nice place to jam and my drummer likes the DW set. Although it would have been better if Terrance is still there.

WORST JAMMING STUDIO: SENG CHAI JE or... Couldnt understand that the f*ckeing auntie is talking about.... talk in hokkien while booking.... I replied my own version of rojak hokkien, all expletives!![/b]
i haven't experienced any bad studios but i must say tiet is my favourite one. i've been going there almost everytime my band jams. the staff there are absof*kinlutely friendly. haha love them.

worst studio i've been to would be weelee at upper serangoon. it's not horrible but it's the worst i've been to so far (i haven't been to many studios) cause i don't like the equipment there. but it's playable. and it seems like the studios closed now. don't see it when i go pass the area.
hey yo

well so far havent reeally explored
bt well here goes
fusion x at peni is rather ambitious rooms good bt the rules are just way off the chart..and quite ex.add dat to the fact that u cant crnak up the volume dat jus ruins the music.rock is loud and proud.nt loud and scared
so dats quite negative
boon is aother onethe frst few times were ok bt well now the service is jus a shame get told off for nothin and yea quite alot of fingers pushed round not to mention the qualty of the intruments.double pad faulty bass amp loses power dat kinda thing bt weell its winnig point is location tho.
the best so far is stonejamz and fourtones at clarke quay jus plug and play as loud as u want.rooms are spacious with very good service

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