The Bass Player's Accessories

three is a magic number!

i totally don't carry spare strings around. haha.. restringing is done at home.
i don't carry extra strings YET i still carry string winder and string cutter :roll:

one of the most important things i carry is this neat leatherman tool thing, it's kind of like a swiss army knife in scissors form, swiss army SCISSORS if u like. acts as my universal screwdriver :D
actually bass strings are hard to snap ..

BUT ..

i've seen bass strings snap before ... e.g. louis johnson on his slap bass solo ..

hahahhaha .. but it's no harm to carry a spare set of strings around ..

like you i don't either .... cos usually i'm a fingerstyle fella .. i don't torture my bass .. =P ..
haha i broke a bass G string before. Remembered that was my first jam session during sec sch. Was trying to tune the bass, kept tuning and wondered why no response from the tuner, until eventually the string snapped.

After that realised the volume knob was totally turned off :oops:
hahah .. cools ..

i broke a string while testing a bass at yamaha .. but that was due to their string being wrongly strung or it was a dud string ..
that's a g string i suppose?

I stretched/unwound an E string unwittingly at a studio before. I carried the house bass around the studio by it's E string, cos i tot bass strings were invincible, cannot be broken, when i first picked it up

It was quite embarrasing when i took the bass to the studio owner to have the string replaced. I just said i "plucked too hard" :oops:
yea. now, just got to wait for someone to come up and 'fess up that he actually snapped an e string, then i got to give up my crown of stupidity
all i need is a tuner..

some fender one i got at swee lee.

although the only time i need to tune need is when the super cold aircon in my church kicks in and changes the tuning.
i use a pedal tuner, but usually bring a clip tuner as *ahem* one of the guitarists will probably forget to bring theirs :p

other than tt, extra patch cable, extra AAA and 9v batteries, xlr cable, small clip on lamp for chart-yes-light-no situations. i often forget to keep a pen or two handy for last min set / song changes.

oh, and of course, our mascot 'Milo'... :p
i've broken E, A, D and G strings before, but never while playing onstage.

when they break they just get unwound, they never snap right through the core
haven't broken ANY bass strings yet.

Whats i usually bring along with my bass (or in the bass bag):
Tuner (although i always use my guitarist's tuner.. just to be on the same page. Cause diff. brands are.. well.. slightly diff.),
Strap (Duh..),
lyrics, (not for me)
mineral water, (to drink)
ciggies, (to smoke)
lighter, (to light my ciggie)
shrek ears, (to act stupid)
cables, (for my bass)
Big Muff, (guitarist passed it to me to irritate everyone even further)
Dunlop Bass Wah, (to make more noises)
dead monkeys, (to BBQ. and sometimes i usually forget to take them out when i put them in)
iPod, (for music.)
keys, (to get home and my office)
money, (to pay for jamming)
wallet, (to hold more money, cards and my 11b and IC)
magazines, (to read.)
batteries, (for my effects)
food, (to eat while playing, after playing and before/after jamming Yes.. my fingers on my left hand are strong to tap although i'm a skinny ass.)
sweets, (for after ciggies. and the guys and gals. and drummer.)


sunglasses (for those hot afternoon trips to the jamming studio.)[/i[/b]
Wah that's really heavy. You take public transport? My bass itself alone with my PSP almost breaks my back!
what bass are u using man.

I usually take public transport. Haven't harness the power to fly on my bass 'ala silver surfer yet.

And its not heavy man. After NS, you can put anything and everything into a bag.
@superkicky: dude.. haha, you've been spending too long in army -))

i try to fit everything into my gig bag and pedal case. even though i drive now, but sometimes with public transport you have to be a bit more practical -)
exin: i've seen bass strings snap before ... e.g. louis johnson on his slap bass solo ..

He is louis johnson afterall. He slaps like he wants to kill the string.
Really? When you guys find that link again show me! I wanna see that, cos I also haven't seen a string snap before, :oops: