The Aging Youth


New member
Though our main site is down, we've uploaded 2 live videos of our label artistes on our MySpace page, courtesy of YouTube of course!

As some of you on our mailing list already knows, we are revamping our site at the moment. The 1st draft has failed to meet the expectations of our test audience aka members from that OTHER internet forum.

The main site should be up and running in a week or so.

We are giving out 2 pairs of free tickets for the concert, courtesy of the Substation and bro ZoRT bro.

Write to us at enquiries AT agingyouth DOT com.

We'd require your full name and IC number. Thanks!
AgingYouth, how about THIS forum? we never got to see it? hee..he..

anyway, good luck on the re-design. i spent a few night trying to figure out how to put a block to display random pix but still fail.

The new landing page is up, bro SOFT bro but we are still tweaking the rest of the content.

Yeah, we pretty much ripped off Pitchfork on this. All the Gigs and Records pages will be changed over the next 2 months.

Donch block the posting of pictures lah... The quote function was horrible enough... How are we gonna get by?