"The Actors" bar rocks!!!!

^I misunderstood a few points in this thread, sorry bro. It's just the inner political correctness in me, even though Malay is my mother tongue I tend to cringe when I hear too many Malay songs played at any event which has other races there. Maybe a few won't be too bad, after all nothing wrong with appreciating other people's culture and language.
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Dont' worry la bro. It could be my fault too. For unable to understand what u mean by " minorities forced to come down all the way then have to listen to songs which we probably can't enjoy as much"
Not playing chinese song is quite understandable, I mean we live in a multiracial country, please spare some thought for the minorities forced to come down all the way then have to listen to songs which we probably can't enjoy as much.

What i am emphasizing is, for open mic bars like Actors. Besides the residential band, and i am not talking about them. I am talking about those who can go up and Jam 4-5 songs. Doing English,chinese,malay,thai,philipino or Tamil,is perfectly fine. After all,the open mic bands also pay for their drinks right? so since owner allows them to ok go up and Jam. I don't see the reason why one or two chinese songs cannot be Jammed out? It is not an issue as far as i can remember when the friendly freddy was the management. I heard mandarin songs,and malay songs and thai songs sometimes,but it is not the entire night ya?
speaking of musicians in actors,ive been there a couple of times and they have good musicians jamming oldies on weekends.
but there was a few times whn i went there,there is this young malay underage looking boy who plays the piano and sing top40s music,and he simple nailed it by doing his solo alone.does anyone knows about him?pretty talented young chap.