That's gay!!!

Irony in the form of a gig.
Do we really need a gig to tell us that homosexuality is normal? If the organizers really thought it was normal, they probably wouldn't be having a gig dedicated to it. Who the hell does dedicates a special event to normality? What if a homosexual hates the bands?

Now I think I'd be right to say that PSR(the people who organized this) are filled with a vast majority of heterosexuals, it is pretty clear through the way the poster, the name of the gig and what not, that this was all done by a stupid(or shallow) heterosexual person.
So here I go.
Holding a gay pride event when you're gay, well that's fine with me.
Holding a gig whoring for attention and posing as some sort of gay pride event, especially when you're heterosexual, and the majority of the people there will be heterosexual... or cross-dressing. I think that it is pointless, and shows how much of a closeted homophobe(dickbag) you really are.

I am betting that whoever came up with the entire concept was probably thinking "This will spice things up and get attention, more people will come, particularly teenagers who think their above other people for accepting homosexuality!"

The poster from lioncitydiy was making a valid query, he even did it in a nice way, questioning it.
For me, I can't be bothered with that formality because there's no real need to ask, it's pretty damn clear through the gimmicky, novelty-ish undertones when referring to homosexuality, and this event reeks of it.

You guys seem to have a problem with thinking, questioning and expressing your opinion.
This entire thread is a pretty clear example of the learned ignorance that seems to plague a vast majority of people.
You don't really give a damn about anything unless it happens to you, if it isn't "wrong" by general consensus, somehow it's instantly right.
Right and wrong is never determined by you, you let the above-mentioned learned ignorance take control, so when you question something for a very short period, you question how much it will affect you and your life, then you throw that question out of your head.
It's alright, live in your little bubble.
But don't criticize people who want to express themselves.

Homophobes are bad enough.
Homophobes who attempt to make money by using homosexuality as a marketing tool are pretty damn disgusting.

Maybe I'm assuming abit too much, but I think I've got the basics covered.
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i think the organisers basically just want it to be a fun gig which is out of the norm... its just a different theme for a gig. if lets say the theme is 'its pretti japanese' and everyone have to dress up in a kimono. its be darn funny to see hardcore bands wearing a kimono and we'll probably have a gd laugh at it. and no one will probably get offended cuz we all know that dressing up in a kimono is the 'lifestyle' of the japanese people.

SO, i don't get it why the outburst about the whole theme of this gig is about. yes, we are probably going to have a laugh watching others cross dress and stuff. we are however aware that this is their lifestyle (albeit a slightly stereotyped one, as not all homosexuals dressed up as the opp sex). having fun and laughs at each other doesn't necessarily mean that you're being insensitive you know... we're not laughing at the homosexuals, we're just laughing at each other for being silly, being something we're not, etc. by having such themed gig somehow actually reflects that the organisers are aware of the existence of the homosexuals and have accepted that they lead a different lifestlye than the majority of us... being able to talk about something openly shows the level of comfort they are with the subject at hand.

and furthermore, do you seriously think that the Singapore Arts Musuem (venue for e gig), will approve of events on their grounds which have bad connotations to it? i don't think so. i'm totally cool with gays and don't treat them any differently at all. bottomline, im pretty sure that the organisers don't mean any serious harm or insult towards homosexuality at all. so chill a bit la, don't think so much man. punkrock!

<3 <3 <3
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You know, your post makes me laugh my ass off, then makes me cry in a corner afterward.

You don't understand a lot of things do you.
1.Don't compare Japanese culture to homosexuality, you can't compare that in this context at all.'re thinking of transvestites. Homosexuals cross dress as much as heterosexuals. It seems this gig has achieved yet another thing. It makes some people think that being homosexual means you have to dress up as the opposite sex. How sad.

3.Obviously, the organizers would not attempt to market a homophobic gig, and I doubt they intended to come across that way. However, from the way it is being advertised and from what we know of it, it does treat homosexuality as a novelty.

I'm betting this will all go over your head though,
But I'm trying to be nice because you were nice.
yea i probly don't understand a lot of things la but that's the way i see it. and i know that homosexual doesnt mean dressing up as the opp sex ...ive even stated earlier that the whole "dressing up as the opp sex=being homosexual" is just a stereotype thingy. and im not even referring to transvestites in my earlier post. just a misinterpretation i guess. so no hard feeling yea! :)

...actually hor, i was thinking of replying some more. but then, lazy me decided to do other stuff instead. haha.

anyway, txs for being nice! tee hee hee :D cya there!
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"It seems this gig has achieved yet another thing. It makes some people think that being homosexual means you have to dress up as the opposite sex. How sad."

I honestly doubt people are going to start thinking that cross-dressers are strictly homosexual or homosexuals all cross-dress. I don't. Do you?

However, from the way it is being advertised and from what we know of it, it does treat homosexuality as a novelty.

What's so bad about that? My gay and lesbian pals find it amusing, and even play along sometimes. It's all in good natured fun, and there's really no need to make a big fuss about it. It's a cute concept.

PS: It's nice that everyone is being nice! About time we had some decent discussion without rampant flaming.
+101010101 to post #24 by blank, especially this line:

"Holding a gig whoring for attention and posing as some sort of gay pride event, especially when you're heterosexual, and the majority of the people there will be heterosexual... or cross-dressing. I think that it is pointless"

i would hesitate to label the organisers as homophobic though. more like slightly ignorant/careless. the main problem with this gig is the linking of cross-dressing with homosexuality. if the organisers wanted an event where people could cross-dress for fun/novelty, they could have done that without bringing homosexuality into it.


it seems most users on this forum have the attitude expressed by emg-rocks, that of "don't think so much man. punkrock!" the more people perpetuate the attitude of avoiding critical thought, the more we will stagnate or regress. *sigh*
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To dir, no I am not. I fail to see how that is relevant.


You don't. But one of the above posters did.
Being homosexual is when you like people of the same sex. You are fine with your body, and dressing as your own gender, you would probably never ever dress as the opposite gender, unless as a joke or something.
Cross-dressing, is something people do for various reasons. Famous cross-dressers are straight, because well, the majority of people are straight. Cross-dressing has little to no relation to someone's sexuality.
I don't know about you, but I'm getting the impression that the organizers don't realize this. If a whole group of people are ignorant towards this, what makes you think other people won't think so?

As for the novelty part, perhaps I should rephrase.
I know what you're getting across, and I agree, I don't have a problem with that.
But what I have a problem with is, i'll quote myself.
"Holding a gig whoring for attention and posing as some sort of gay pride event, especially when you're heterosexual, and the majority of the people there will be heterosexual... or cross-dressing. I think that it is pointless"

To senn, looking back I'll agree it's more of ignorance than homophobia.
ah an idealist, you should hand out flyers at the show explaining what homosexuality is and isn't and why cross-dressing isn't necessarily 'gay'.

that might put those ignoramuses in their proper place!
If the organizers really thought it was normal, they probably wouldn't be having a gig dedicated to it. Who the hell does dedicates a special event to normality?

excerpt from blank's post

may i just add that i agree with blank's posts. It doesnt take a genius to go "uh oh" upon glancing at the poster. It looks like a carnival poster for freakshows. I felt that the whole "theme/concept(if theres one?)" for this gig is a really sensitive topic and it looks like the people behind are making a joke outta it.

And pls dun tell me "PUNKROCK!" or emorock? or shit, because firstly its not related. and secondly you have NOTHING to protest about! why? you are living in goddamn singapore thats y, and u do take pocket money from ur parents no? So you could buy your skinny jeans and what nots.

One thing for sure is that by giving discounts to cross-dressers and labeling this gig as "its pretty gay", doesnt win you any favours at all. They're arent the mentioned by a couple of ppl here. Organisers pls do ur homework before deciding on it. Otherwise it'll end up like this, a disgrace, by trying to bank on a sensitive subject.

I won't be suprise if the gay community boycott the event, which i felt they have a PERFECTLY RIGHT reason to do so.

That aside, the organisers must have smoke their way thru the SAM people. I cant think of any reason why they would approve it...if they saw the poster..that is.

If you think this is perfectly fine and see no problem with it, or if you are proud of this, you are no better than kkk, my friends.

"I won't be suprise if the gay community boycott the event, which i felt they have a PERFECTLY RIGHT reason to do so."

i showed the poster to a couple of my gay friends and they both thought it was funny, cute and good-natured.

Eh,Starving artist aka Jack.Why last night never follow me,Bert and Calvin.They both went to the gig with me last night.
to starvingartists

how can you even compare us (people who went to the show and had a good time) to the kkk?

i can safely assure all the "extremists" here that none of the people at the show, including the cross-dressers, are homophobic, or at least taking the event as a homophobic "cause". its just a name, it was just a normal show with bands playing music, no homosexual bashing or anything. sure it could have been a wrong choice for a name, but im sure the intentions are definitely not ill and it was just to have fun. so please dont lecture anyone about how wrong homophobia is. we are aware.
Do you know why your local scene is just so so ....too many critics!!
No sense of humor ...just empty critics ...complain this complain that ...!!
And ya.. genre bias too.

No statues raised to critics!