Thambi K Seaow 4 page interview with Cross Roads magazine . Get yours Now!!


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Hello fellow Thambis .. If you are in a Polytechnic , Jc or a corporate company that receives one of the highest distributed magazine in Singapore called Cross Roads magazine or Xroads magazine , do get your copy now !!

Last months edition was on Plain Sunset and this month its on ...
Thambi K Seaow!!!

TKS is on a 4 page interview so take the time in reading it and be part of our Gang..leave some love thambis!

Join us at
and look us up on facebook at thambi k seaow rock!

Peace to the beast! And stop checking our girl out ! :)
Thank you tribal cast .. are these two other bands you mentioned local? i would like to check em out...
G sonique what T shirt la... we dont t shirt yet... nvm you will be the first.. because you gangster . gutturalpiss we arso rove u belli much hor.. thr girr number is my secret coz she is my srart marrr ... the green leg one arso velly good hor. xie xie.. i hopez you understand my typing ..
gutturalpiss dont like that la... ok fine you have the girl la ok... because i want you in the TKS ginah... alamak must start printing already la.. only got badges now.. Dei Visa if i print you better buy you know... if not my breda beer money gone
That girl got sexy legs!! haha
after listening to ur music n watching on myspace, i think the entertainment you guys have is quite massive!
something different but the music is good.haha
tpiledriver, you bet as hell the girl has sexy legs man.. thank you thank you ... have you got your issue of crossroads magazine or not.. if you cant find it ask a friend of your in the poly to help u get it ..

Tribalcast ; the ants were biting my ass man i swear i was only afraid of some freakin beez comin to sting me . thats why you saw my face abit stress rite.

Ized; i love u la.. u know priya rai.. she is the bomb dude. ok i am gonna recomand this one girl from the thambi hq ; Lucie Theodorova. need more ask me..

Guys join the Thambi K Seaow Rocks on Facebook page..