Temasek polytechnic

thanks jumbofret :) i know some people who are just as bothered by certain people but can't be bothered to post about them. I however am a post-happy fangirl so I post all over the place. muaha.
LOL placebo effect...Drug Development and Clinical Trials..

dude...are u just attention defecit? or you just wanna be public enemy number 1? either way..ur getting to make a milestone in whichever u chose...
im studying hard now... :x u know anyone who has been retained before? i've got a friend in business IT, he said he failed 3 out of 4 subjects during the latest exams, and he still is not the last in class... :? im in biotech/med year 1 btw..
Graduated from TP in 1998 ... i would say cherish your poly life and its holiday to the fullest ...

You will be missing them when you are lying down on yur bunk bed thinking about tomorrow schedule ... having to wake up at 0500hrs to do your 5BX, go for breakfast and draw arms after that....and bla..bla..bla till lights off at 2200hrs ...and you will still be missing yur poly days still ...
lol...i musnt repeat any subjects!! the guy who had to repeat 3/5 subjects was allowed to ah? some lecturer told me that if u kena repeat too many subjects, will be retained... :?
TP uses fast system, i dunno bout other poly leh i thought the retain straight. I so far havent take any supp paper or retake any papers, so i think im pretty safe. But it's crazy la i still think confirm no chance to go U.
some lecturer told me that if u kena repeat too many subjects, will be retained...

Even worse if you keep retaining and your GPA lies below 1 for 3 consecutive sems, say goodbye to poly life.
DeathCubeK said:
All i can say is, screw the ppl who get 3.somethings ... they have no life ...

Seriously, I ought to meet u in person..

And Oh.. I can bring Grain along and the rest of the softies too
shred5 said:
DeathCubeK said:
All i can say is, screw the ppl who get 3.somethings ... they have no life ...

Seriously, I ought to meet u in person..

And Oh.. I can bring Grain along and the rest of the softies too

This cow will come too... Will bring me whole heard of cannibacows.
DeathCubeK said:
MichaelAngelo said:
wow, i failed 2 subjects out of 5, so naturally, my gpa sucks as well...1.something... :oops:

All i can say is, screw the ppl who get 3.somethings ... they have no life ...

They belong to a different league. Have a little respect for them please. Even if you don't like them for some reason or another..