Tascam CD-GT1mkII

- I don't want to spend my life in front of a computer.
- It's a perfect companion for my free periods at school.
- I have surpassed my needs after I washed my hands and ate dinner, without getting wet from the rain :)
- I get very distracted from other things at the computer, if I'm sitting outside with just this then tis 100% concentration.
- Being able to plug my guitar in makes the mix sound nicer?

I guess I'm trying to make excuses and justify :oops:

Does this E&E have a full name and or number? What about guitar connection? Websites? I just wanna try the thing.......
Wow where you studying you bring your guitar to school ah? So cool man.

There are uses I guess, but for $300... hmm might as well fork out a bit more and get a portable 4 track recorder. Then you can copy anything you want into the 4 track, record yourself, and even play the rhythms and jam to your own track when the inspiration arises. Then can bring to your band jam sessions and record too. So many uses.
Still can't deceide if i dunno where to go to get one :D
Common folks please you knwow better than me! Any phone numbers or sites of these places that are supposed to have em> I wanna make sure this time before i go all theway down there!