Talked with my bro just now

Playing guitar isn't a competition. The same would go for playing any music instrument. Play to enjoy, don't play to show superiority.
dude how old's ur bro? how long he been playing guit for?
and how many guitarists are there in his school?

geez... that song is so simple plan-nish... jus with btr drumming (which i mus say is not bad for THAT GENRE)

alka1987 said:
the best guitarist in his school have trouble with it even though he can play all GNR songs easily(w0w)....

can that "best guitarist" play the actual full GNR songs? or just the intros LOL? n he cant play this song? sounds pretty irrational to me... but if he CAN actually play em (the GNR songs) including the solo, then maybe he cant play tis song cuz his heart cant bear to hurt his guitar with it. or maybe he has been practising those GNR songs for a couple of months, while he just found out about that song when the person who said he cudn play it asked him to play it on the spot...

alka1987 said:
'of course finger faster than pick, and it has only 4strings of cuz easier!'

what crap is that man... ask him to play his guit with his fingers la! and the 4 stings of course ezier part is jus bullshit... if he says that, means lets say i give him a one string guitar ( if it exists) able to produce all the same notes as a normal 6 stringed on, wit would be so much ezier??????

alka1987 said:
Ermm,,,is the song really that hard? and yeah, i intend to learn this song on guitar just to shut him up

pls do... but i think u already did after 15 mins of trying.

no offence to ur bro man... jus voicing my opinion

anyway tell ur bro not to worry, that song to me is no different in standard from fall out boy songs :wink:

gd luck to him
There's too much talk about which song is harder to nail, which song is more impressive, which guitarist is faster, which style of playing is better, blah blah blah.....

Don't lose focus here, cos music is meant to be enjoyed by everybody, listener and musicians alike.

If it were for bragging rights, you'd be better off with a penis enlargement.

Some of the most beautiful and difficult songs to play are the simplest sounding ones out there.

Learn to appreciate things for what they are, not for what people make them out to be.