take projects or per hour

hi ,

1) is there any studio or audio engineer that takes band projects
for recording still around?

it seems that everyone is charging per hour.
maybe someone can explain why are they charging per hour?

2) if there's still people doing projects by projectsfor each band
kindly leave your name& contacts

3) i have seen BANDPITSTOP .Apologies if i miss out something. .
1) "Band Projects" ??? as in recording bands?

charging per hour because (this's my reason) once you charge bands per song, they take many many hours (my record 3 months for 2 songs) recording, and obviously never practise. way exceeding the "per song" cost. unless you charge $10'000 per song. then sure, you can take half a year as you like.

you see if we charged like $500 per song (instead of $50per hr rate)
Unfair to studio : they'll be so perfectionistic to hit the worth more than $500. even up to 20 hours.
Unfair to the band : what if the song is just 2 minutes, simple punkrock ? probably took only 2 hours?

2) define "projects" ?

3) thank you. there's a new recording studio I've yet to list now that you reminded me it's www.bigearmusica.com.sg and they do have a per-day booking which would be well worth. btw I believe "per day = 12 hours max." studio engineers are humans too.

i think you solved my problems
thank you

projects , like making an "EP" or demo

i think package it's a perfect word of it, does any studio do or take in . . .
let's say
$ 800 for 6 songs?

record+ editing

thanks blueprintstudio!!
you're most welcome.

EP(extended play) / LP (Long play) , album etc

usually the process is Recording / Mixing / Mastering / CD Pressing (not included with the studio usually but they can advise) + shitloads of advertising,marketing.

cd pressing can cost $1K and above depending how many you're pressing. so some bands what they do is they stick with DIY, buy CD-r then print on the surface themselves via stickers which they sell at simlim square. then end of the day it's alot more cheaper but not as "nice packaging".

how much your band racks up in the process depends on how long you take + how much your mixing engineer is charging per song (or per hr). for $75 per song budget, it is a little low for the usual market rate. so you wanna balance the comparison between Quantity and Quality. some people really just want a demo out so they can pass to gig organisers get gigs. some want something more quality,more serious, more personal etc.

I always recommend if you got a low budget you may wanna record at beats merchants first and slowly save up. if not you may wanna focus the budget on just a couple of songs which sounds the best.

enjoy and goodluck!

80¢ worth

projects , like making an "EP" or demo

i think package it's a perfect word of it, does any studio do or take in . . .
let's say
$ 800 for 6 songs?

record+ editing

Yes! I can give that kinda price, but there is hours limit, any extension will still be per hour rate.
You can contact me at 94799640 if you are interested.
