Tacit Aria - Looking for a vocalist!


New member
If you‘re keen and interested, send your recorded demos over to hey.tacitaria@gmail.com and we’ll get back to you ASAP. If you wanna know more about us, head over to www.myspace.com/tacitaria. Hit us a message or email us, we'll be more than happy to respond to you guys!

Here’s what we’re looking for in a singer:

- Male/Female
- 18-25
- Talented
- Dedication to the band and its goals.
- Stage experience
- Willing to practice 2-3 times a week

Thanks for reading and we hope to see you soon,
I would love to tryout but I don't have any music piece to let you guys hear coz i dun have the proper equipment to record one. I've msg one of you guys before but you guys wanted a music piece. Then i said ok i'll try to do one but till now i can't do it.

So yea. I would love to tryout. My num 91845535(Rizal). =)