Swee Lee End of Year Sale

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New member
Who is going? ( all i guess )
Any one know what date? im going NS so cant camp.
Damm save so much now cant buy
midyear and end of year i think it is.

i wont be going i dont think.

depends when it is? usually after xmas right?

if so then i cant go.
i want to go!!
is 50% off for some items only right?
wanted to get a epiphone les paul custom or zakk zdyle one or the epiphone LP that has a skull spray near the bridge.
Whats the model name? cant find it at the webby
i wouldnt kp my hopes high haha... ok i may sound gullible, but ppl at sweelee hav actually downright denied a sale (actually said NO), i know some of u ppl might say aiya they just wanna make u buy at tat moment bla bla, but actually earlier this year when i asked about the mid year one they said they didnt know (and it happened)... so well maybe the staff have gone from acting blur to downright in your face lying so ah well or maybe not.... so im just saving blindly till i hear the news, hopefully good news... but i must say if there is a sale this year, ill be quite worried cuz of the MFO thing where theres a seperate Q... id hate to imagine how many have signed up already and u go Q there early in the morning the day b4 thinking ur gonna be the first in, then the next morning another 100 mfo memebers come? LOL scary sia... haha so if u want something badly u gotta pray hard or spend the 100bucks
erm what the disappionting part? the "no sale" part or the MFO part? if its the no sale part well dont fret people, i too dont trust them entirely especially after one told me that there were MIM and IMJ highway one strats LOL, and according to routine they should have a sale at EOY so dont count on their words too much, just dont expect too much too

if ur worrinyg aobut the second q for MFO's part... well then i guess the only way u guys cna solve that is to become one urself haha.... $100 to get a btr chance at ur item, how worth it is up 2 u... yea but i hate the whole MFO thing too, cost me my iron cobras at mid year, so i dont blame u for worrying

normal day -- 120% -- 50% cost 50% profit 20% mark up margins for discounts
normaly day selling price after discount -- 100%

sales day -- 120% -- 50% cost 20% profit 50% inclusive of the mark up 20%

sales day selling price after discount -- 70%

if i'm correct.. wad we are overnight for is only a 30% sales..

PLUS those who have mfo card, a huge group of sick morans that only comes early morning w/o proper brought up... CUTS YOUR DAMN QUEUE..

so after a night of coffee trying to keep awake (or breakfast,lunch,dinner,supper n supper for some) to make sure no 1 cuts ur queue while u are asleep, turns out into a bad event...

sales day selling price after discount and after all tiredness and unfairness -- 80%

and when you finally got into the "heaven", there is left with only rubbish which on normal day you wun even glance at..you'll start to change your mindset and hypnotise yourself that they are great stuff and you are getting it at a real low price country wide!

so? yesh.. it might only be a 10% discount.. at least from my experience..

get a life.. save up and buy it like a gentlemen.. we should learn from foreigners sometimes... Japanese are known for queueing up! and i mean it! THEY DON'T CUT YOUR QUEUE AT ALL!(at least thats wad i've experienced when i went on tour in Japan).and Europeans will never greed for cheap discounts.Infact, to them cheap stuff are never good!if it is on sales, it must either be old stuff or faulty products..Which might be one of the reasons y their currency is forever bigger.. the last country you'll want to learn from is China.. they are like us.. but in a far worse state...

alrite.. after typing so much.. they are juz my opinions.. dont take it to heart if i hurt you.. and analyse my thinking if you agree with some points i mentioned..

pretty strong opinions grey, but still, some ppl have to live within their means, and the sale is often the only way to get things coveted.....

luckily im into boutique stuff now, the things are just as expensive and no sale anyways............

haha :D :D :D
i agree with gr3y's discount stuff... they mark it up... and then discount it fifty percent. plus the stuff that are good are normally kept. well... which business man would want to sell good stuff at a loss. and stuff that are on sale i wouldn't say are all bad. but i doubt their all good.

in conclusion. it's a sale for the pros. XD hahaha.

my 13cents worth. (well that was a lotta bull)
yea ized... same applise to other stuff too... all my friends who noe bout sweelee sales when they have big budgets theyd rather get sth from ranking or yamaha... cuz u wont have that worry that "if i wait ill get this cheaper", teh sale almost cost me my MXR ten band eq... was thinking if shd by from ranking cuz sweelee also had... didnt noe if shd wait till sale but in the end decided to buy ($205), and dam heng ah cuz later sweelees one was sold out

haha grey dont say till lidat la... the stuff inside quite ok la, at mid yr when i finished my purchase i think they already allowed 5th batch in (not including MFO trolley loaders) and the stuff around was not soooo bad la huh... but this year i think the MFO going to kena x10 or sth then will be dam wad already sia
hmm the sale was nt bad actually.........

i gt an ibanez jem jr and a couple of pedals...........

its a good bargain.........but only if you know that the stuff you want is not coveted by others. yeah and of course the irrtating MFOS.

Oh and i sold off my jem alr. its now an ibanez S470 which i love.
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