bin4christ said:wasnt lukas the 1 who did creep?
storm large is HOT..seriously cant tell tt she's 37..
nitrovo:define "rock star image"..
bin4christ said:but wud it be presentable letting a pregnant woman with a bulge host a show like tt?i think they want a hot chick for the job..n like 90% of the male human population dont find pregnant woman hot..
noelG said:Supernova should consider getting the house band's lead guitarist to join them considering that I dun see Gilby playing any lead so far.
Damo said:After hearing the second "original" from Supernova, some of the contestants might be hoping for second place rather than winning and actually having to front the band.
gkinsingapore said:They show it live in the morning here so no spoilers....
Hey man, hows the sound in the studio? Is it bonecrunchingly loud? Does the mix sound a lot different live than on TV?
The 2 Supernova songs we heard so far have been awful so yeah, coming 2nd might be a blessing in disguise....