Suggestions on arrangement of pedals?


New member
Hi all,

Just switched back from a pod xt live to analogs!

current pedals:

1.) Korg pitch tuner
2.) Love pedal amp 11 override
3.) MI Crunch Box
4.) Boss DD-3

Looking to add a holy grail to the set up as well.

Currently my setup is in the order 1 to 4. is it okay? Or does anyone have a suggestion on something better or potentially nicer sounding? Or what other pedals i should get as well?

Is there a general rule on how to set pedals too?
The order is perfectly fine. I'd add the Holy Grail at the end after the delay.

The only way to find out if some other order will sound nicer is to try it out yourself, since every guitar and amp reacts differently.

General rule? Most people think along the lines of tuner > wah > gain pedals (od/dist/fuzz) > modulation (chorus/phaser/flanger etc) > delay > reverb. But feel free to mix it up.

The Lovepedal Amp 11 is not an amp sim, just an overdrive and boost (and maybe )
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cool! hmm.

I thought of something. What if i get another delay like carbon copy analog delay? Can i stack it together with my dd-3 and create a nicer sound as compared to a reverb?
I guess you can do it if you want to but it would sound alittle bit messy depending on your settings. Why not try delay--->Reverb?
Depends on what kinda music you play. For my ambient project I regularly use 3 or more different delays at the same time, lol.

For more mainstream/rock music, the only common use of two delays is U2 style rhythmic delay, whereby one delay is set at whole notes and the other is set at dotted eight notes (ideally you need both delays to be linked by tap tempo). You're not likely to use a DD-3 + Carbon Copy at the same time, but again, depends on what kinda music you play. Doesn't mean that a second delay is useless though. If you do get a Carbon Copy, you can try setting the DD-3 for rhythmic stuff and use the CC for solos, for example.
You can try placing the tuner after drives as well, it will mute the white noise it causes.. That is if you're experiencing any.

Remember that if you use 2 delays together the 2 delayed signals wont be distinct like using a dual delay/ tape echo on the 2 head setting.. The delay that is after will be affected by the delay that is in front so it can get messy if not set right. Carboxymoron gave a good example of how 2 delays are usually used in rock music in general.
I like Robert Keeley's mnemonic: Which Pedal Order Makes Life Easy, which if you take the first letters of the phrase, you get Wah->Phase->Overdrive->Modulation->Line (such as a volume pedal)->Echo.
I like Robert Keeley's mnemonic: Which Pedal Order Makes Life Easy, which if you take the first letters of the phrase, you get Wah->Phase->Overdrive->Modulation->Line (such as a volume pedal)->Echo.

That's really cool.
In this case phase means FILTER which can constitute:
Envelope Filter

Just FYI!
hi all!

Thanks for the replies so far.. am def learning lots :)

ever heard of TC Electronic flashback delay? any views / thoughts on that??
It's a very good delay, great for the price, plus you can load a chorus tone print in there and it can function as a chorus pedal as well:)
For the price and size, a great delay, but I find the "audio tapping" to be very troublesome. If you don't rely on tap tempo, it definitely provides more features than your average Boss DD.

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