Since the formation of SOFT, this forum has came a long way.
It is now one of the top forums in Singapore and is known to others from other parts of asia and maybe further.
In view of the known 'branding' of this forum, there must be a constant upgrade of the forum to facilitate and highlight its core function which is 'a website dedicated to the local music industry'
In my opinion, soft has done much in this aspect. Such as the introduction of SoftTV. However, more can be done. Such has introducing a section dedicated solely for local music.
Also, I second the suggestion by CoNtAgIoUs which is to implement a template for Buy/Sell. this would not only make the forum neater but also prevent unwanted confusion.
As the buy/sell section is one of the most used and/or visited section of this forum, I would suggest the further classification of the section. For example, the guitars section can be further classified to 'Acoustic', 'Electric', 'Cases/Bags' and Accessories.
This would make the search for a suitable instrument or accessories of that particular range easier.
I would also suggest a comeback for the 'Reply' function in the buy/sell section.
Another suggestion would be for a 'DELETE THREAD' function. So that Threadstarters can delete unwanted Threads started by them without waiting for the administrator to do so.
Overall, SOFT has earned its name in the local music forum scene and will continue to do so in years to come.
Kludos to James and his team in keeping Soft running well.