suggestion for buy/sell/luthermusic classifieds forum


with the amount of bitching and unrelated comments going around on luther's classified ads increasing lately, how about tieing up with luthermusic and starting a subforum here for people to discuss and comment about items being sold? it could be linked from the luther site.

it would certainly lighten the load for the luther people without having to spend time each day deleting comments from the site and hopefully put an end to the crap we have to sift through. while some of the comments are justified and are genuine warnings,a forum would be a better way of doing it.

i'm sure most of the people posting on luther vist this site as well,lets face it,singapore's small. soft being a non-commercial site,there shouldnt be any conflict of interest.

it would be great to impliment before the swee lee sale this weekend because come next week there's sure to be a surge of crap about reselling items for a higher price. :roll:

alternatively,what about a buy/sell subforum instead of the existing classified system? it would certainly help,instead of having to email 5 different buyers the same answers to the same stupid questions,and would probably promote specialized discussion on a certain item.

on a side note,people,LEARN TO READ PROPERLY before emailing a seller with stupid redundant questions clearly covered in the text of the ad.
the process of buying/selling should be between the buyer and seller. openly discussing might not be good for the deal.
In light of the recent spams on Guitar and Fx... I'd like to say that Luther and web-gang (if theres one) have been deleting posts like mad-dogs while people were opening christmas presents. I mean come on, its a FREE SERVICE provided by a kind man. Free for us, but not free for him. If i'm not mistaken, he pays for traffic, not fixed charges. So the more crap there is posted, the more he pays.

Also, please, sellers who KNOW that there are better offers out there for brand new versions of their product, please have the decency to post a sale AFTER an offer is over, or at least match the price. Dont give us crap about how much you bought it from a friend and how mint it is. Its STILL USED. If there arent crappy sellers, there wont be flamers. It takes 2 to tango ok?
i agree that price negotiations should be taken to PMs/emails and not out in the open (although i dont particularly see the problem with it) but i dont see why discussion about the item itself cant be out in the open. if everything is aboveboard that is. could also act as a resource of info for others,and people could easily call bullshit if they see it happening.
I have been checking out the adds everyday for a nice deal and almost everytime i get to read a nasty comment to the seller.The immediate thing that i noticed was that the comments are targeted at only a few specific people.I do not want to give names.

Most of the times the comments regarding the prices are true as the seller was trying to profit from unwitting newbies.Sellers should be responsible as there would be no smoke without the fire.

If there is a need to make a quick buck then do it on the yahoo auctions.

The adds section is a privilege so please don't abuse it
Timex, I don't see a need to withhold names of the victims. I am one of them, with some punk spamming my lesson ads. Its quite hilarious actually. :)

Anyway, the real changes will only happen if something like IP banning or well, unsane's suggestion, takes place. Then the spammers will know Luther means business.
Hey Shredcow i just staying out of trouble man. 8)

But to have this ip logging system, won't it increase the cost on Luther's?
Aiyah... you're on the internet. :) And thats what should give ppl a benefit of a doubt to what you are saying because words here don't tell the whole story.

I am not up to date with my IT studies anymore... heh... I have no idea. :( In anycase, sigh, its sad to see ppl get slaughtered there.

I mean, seriously, its not even people, its basically 1 person who has been regularly victimised. Thats neuro. Its quite infuriating esp when some good hearted soul tries to chide the spammers, they just slam him down with a heavy dose of self righteousness.
I dont think IP address banning will work cos ur ISP randomly assigns a new IP address to u whenever u logged on. This is done to prevent hacking cos if a hacker fails to hack ur computer in the first attempt, he can't trace u (through ur ip address) to hack again as the IPaddress is randomly assigned.

Even if the above scenario is not the case, it will take too much trouble for the luther admin to track and ban the person, its just not worth it for them.

The 3 major grouses that people have in the ads are : overposting ur ad, posting ur ad in all the sub sections and overpricing of items. Whenever these 3 things happen, people start flaming each other.

Overposting ur ad and posting ur ad in all sub sections is something that cant be controlled, its the users' responisbility to post responsibly. U can set rules or delete those ads but they can always post again.

For overpricing, I agree with Unsane's idea of having a Buy/sell subforum, where maybe people can find out whats the reasonable or market price for the items they are interested in. MAybe have this link (prominenntly displayed) in the lutherads, to allow people to do their research before deciding if its worth to part with their money.
Unfortunately that good hearted soul also happens to be a victim himself if i recall correctly so his words din hold any weight.Apart from shredcow i do not really see any so called "undeserving victims" .The seller was(prehaps unwittingly) trying to profit from the situation and by that i mean selling above first hand price or offering a nonsensical price.

Still,its just not nice to vandalise the adds with poorly worded remarks.

Perhaps luther can have a free membership system like soft. This way they can regulate who uses the system and do promos at the same time.Even better if luther can tie up with soft.
I don't think there is any point in the sub-forum as it would just bring the jokers from luther to soft, then they would start flaming each other in soft and james would be the one to delete the posts. Also, a sub-forum is unlikely to stop pple flaming each other in luther too.

I am not surprised if the jokers there are also on SOFT. ;)

In anycase, we have a classified ads section here... and its as spam free as it gets. :)
if luther is gona make a free membership system, then lesser ppl will post ads on it. thus lesser ppl will go to the site. which is not their aim. take soft classifieds section for example. its waaaaaay smaller than luthers. y? coz ppl haf to register. they dun haf time for that. i personally like luthers ads section. wide range of ads and stuff u can find. its better if luther stays as it is. juz gota bear wif the occasional flaming

People who have been spamming flaming comments on the net are the kinda cowards who don't dare to expose themselves. These people I seriously do not respect.

Registering for free membership (e.g. SOFT) wld help Luther to actually recognize who these people are & sifting their comments out. In the process, these people who continually spam negative comments won't go un-noticed. They can either be warned or banned from posting.
Re: Hmm

neuro182 said:
People who have been spamming flaming comments on the net are the kinda cowards who don't dare to expose themselves. These people I seriously do not respect.

Yeap, can't walk the talk. Wizards of OZ.
Timex said:
Unfortunately that good hearted soul also happens to be a victim himself if i recall correctly so his words din hold any weight.

who are you referring to here?

take the case of this ad posted today for example:
SALE/TRADE:1)PV Triple XXX/Cabs-$1200.2)PV 5150 head only-$1000.3)VHT GP3-$800.4)PV Classic 50/50 PA-$500. Call me for quick,quick deal...

$800 for a VHT? this literally had me scrambling for my phone,only to find out the guy on the phone had no idea what i was talking about, ie a fake ad. maybe its a genuine offer with a mis-typed number,who knows? i'm sure this guy must be dealing with a flood of calls the whole day,and will be for a while.
if i were to post a warning on the luther site saying its a fake ad,that would be construed as spam when theres genuine cause for it in this case.
its a good example of why a forum might be a better choice..

and this is exactly why i refrain from giving out my mobile number for deals nowadays. i have a private number anyway.
another example where discussion could prove constructive..

For sale} Johnson Stereo Chorus, Johnson Flanger, Johnson Anolog echo/delay ( contains 2 of the famous JRC4558 chips),Boss Fv-50 volume pedal, all in original boxes with instructions rarely used, The lot for $200

the price is semi-decent, but in this case, the Johnson analog delay is well known to be a complete waste of decent JRC4558 chips as it sounds terrible. yes,buyers who dont do their research properly deserve to get burnt, but this would be an ideal scenario where discussion could get interesting IMO.

this msg isnt meant as a "flame" to the seller btw,no offence intended.

Hi unsane,

May I be allowed to speak. While posting a warning might be good to serve as a deterrence to potential buyers, however, I think that these warnings post shud be handled carefully & not be malicious.

I'm a victim myself, with people calling me a cheat or a conmen etc. which I will not dwell upon. Am I really a cheat? Do I earn profit from the people who bought/sold stuffs to me? Maybe you could contact those people who transacted with me before. They're in the better position to comment on my deals. Anyway, I'm using myself as an example.

Warning ads are considered spam when people keep posting negative comments regarding a certain buyer/seller & forgetting that the ad is to warn against the deal, not against the buyer/seller.

Since there is no IP tagging on Luther, anyone on the net can use anybody else's number/email/contact to post fake ads (if u get what I mean).

So I do encourage your suggestion with warning ad, yet it should be posted tactfully, not mindlessly :wink:

Pardon me. I think I spoken too much :oops: