suggestion for buy/sell/luthermusic classifieds forum

ermm u started selling your G2.1u at $250
i thought the price is outrageous , even together with the power supply and the usb thing, so is the guy who hid behind the monitor calling names.

Try testing out the product carefully before you buy. dont sell the product 1 or 2 weeks later because u find out u dont like it. its gonna be very hard to sell it. Especially with all these sales going on, its gonna really distort the 2nd hand market
what you said is all true, especially about the malicious comments.

i would like to think a forum would enable people to make an informed decision, if any uncalled-for or malicious comments are posted people would surely jump in to dispute such comments. in a forum-style enviroment, most would know the users that they could trust. the seller could also step in to address any concerns. of course some degree of moderation would be needed so as for the discussion not to degenerate into a flame fest.

i'd like to say that THERE IS NOTHING WRONG with selling an item at a higher price than what you got it for. profiteering is a basic instinct of mankind, and if you got the item for a steal and manage to resell it at a higher price, more power to you.
an item is only worth what someone else is willing to pay for it,bottom line.
there is nothing wrong, neither is there a point, cos nobody will buy it. People will hate you for profiting, its human nature too.. It just shows that you're buying musical instrument not for the sake of making music, but to profit from it. Its the same as doing charity not for the sake of charity, but for the sake of earning insanely high salary
yes,its called envy. if you could get a mint '59 les paul for a dollar and resell it for $250.000, wouldnt you? profiteering is greed, and to quote from a certain book, "envy and greed are the motivating forces of ambition,and without ambition,very little of any importance would be accomplished."

if what you say is true, all instrument manufacturerers should be giving away their instruments or selling that at cost price, for the sake of the music community worldwide. i mean, selling a guitar for $1500 when it costs $500 to make is blatant profiteering isn't it?

in any case, we're getting pretty off topic here, let's take this discussion to another topic if you're so inclined.
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I agree, there's nothing wrong with selling something for a higher price than what you bought it for, unless of course you're blatantly trying to scalp people, like the guy on yahoo auctions trying to sell an Epiphone Noel Gallagher signature guitar for 5k. If you're making a small profit of say 10-20 dollars, I don't think anyone would mind much, but if you're selling your stuff higher than sales price you're probably just inviting flames. I've bought a Boss DS-2 and a Crybaby wah for 50 each, and sold the DS-2 for 55 and the wah for 70. The buyers were happy with the price, which I dare say is lower than usual 2nd hand prices. I make a small profit, the buyers get a price which is lower than expected, and everyone's happy.
try to be a little bit more realistic
people usually set the price higher than the cost price, or higher than the discounted price in the event of a sale.

I dont find this off topic, its quite related.

People buy music instruments to play, not to earn profit. Who ever uses musical instruments as a form of trading commodity, deserve to get shot unless of course it is your job, its your ricebowl.
As for the music companies and other commericial institutions , it IS their job to profit. You cant blame them for profitting

i'm talking about profit from the seller point of view not the consumers.
hifi_killer: u noticed in the Classified Ad, its not the buyers/consumers who are complaining, but rather non-related people I find who are trying to seek attention.

Besides, you don't see people openly flaming Yamaha for selling their strings more expensive than Swee Lee or Davis, do you? Does the cost price of the strings in Yamaha or Swee Lee differs? I don't think so. As long as the consumers feel that the price is right, they can afford it, why not? They ain't even complaining :wink:

Besides, buyers nowadays are not as newbified as before. They do consult their friends & try to strike a price negotiation if they really want the product badly - human nature here we talking about. I'm sure most sellers would gladly neg the price as long as its not that drastic.

It won't be fair to say that sellers in the Classified Ad are using their instruments as investment tools because some just wanna clear their stuffs. Anywae, who are we to judge rite? :lol: We ain't even perfect ourselves.

Shucks~ Another lengthy post. Pls forgive. Ciao.
actually. if he seeking attention he would have left his contact. As for the ad.yes i agree theres no point flaming you, because they need not buy it from you when they can buy it from citymusic for slightly cheaper. That guy obviously had something personal against you.. your high price gave him a reason to hit you. well. I dont know but i think you made alot of enemies from the Jem junior incident?

Prices differences of the strings arises from the how frequent purchases are made, and differences in rents, they are somewhat inevitable. But however the price differences will insignificant when we look at much more expensive stuff. People will not complain if they can get the similar product elsewhere cheaper, not so much so because they can afford it..But if the price differences is rather significant and unjustified..people will complain... (Singaporeans you know lah) But usually people will complain if they cannot get the similar product elsewhere say for a monopoly.

i didnt generalise the users of the classified ads to be using musical instruments as investment tools.
Perhaps having a feedback / rating hack would be useful albeit selling / buying may not occur very often for an user.

I think it's good to have it like the HWZ Marketplace. Place ads, r.p. and people bid for it.

Juz some suggestions...