Suggestion for 2004?


Staff member
Hi everyone!

So, SOFT has survived another year! Yes and we are hoping to do more. Well, since it is a community driven web site, you guys and gals should chip in your ideas.

Let it all out here OK.


Hi James,

Firstly, just want to congratulate you on your effort in putting up this great site.

Any updates on possibility of putting up people´s demos on SOFT?

Another suggestion: what about putting up a competition for people composing music on their computer? Give us a theme/ title and see what people come up with.
Hi Cheez

Thanks for the ´reminder´. Hmm... will really, seriously look into it.

Should we make a page with all the songs and let users click on which to listen or should we make it like a radio with a fix set of songs playing?

Yo James,

Think one way to improve this site and make more pro and amature people come in is probably to make this forum page as it's startup page, and the buy-sell page as secondary.

This will "force" people to read forum titles and get them interested.

Sadly to say, i think most people regard t to be only a buy-sell forum.

I hope that the forum traffic n posting could be increased wasn't supposed to be like this....

Best Regards.

thanks to mikechan's suggestion, has seen a great increase in it's traffic. I guess "users know best"!

keep your suggestion coming in!

MikeChan_ said:
Yo James,

Think one way to improve this site and make more pro and amature people come in is probably to make this forum page as it's startup page, and the buy-sell page as secondary.

This will "force" people to read forum titles and get them interested.

Sadly to say, i think most people regard t to be only a buy-sell forum.

I hope that the forum traffic n posting could be increased wasn't supposed to be like this....

Best Regards.

Maybe we can start a new forum section or new web page section called user reviews? This will essentially review all the gears, and as time passes they will still be wasy to find for new "softers".

Lifehouse said:
Maybe we can start a new forum section or new web page section called user reviews? This will essentially review all the gears, and as time passes they will still be wasy to find for new "softers".


Just to add on to Lifehouse's idea, I'm wondering if its economically feasible for SOFT to host multi-media performances, lessons and equipment demos.

Periodic availability of files for download would certainly keep surfers regularly dropping into SOFT.

In this day and age, its a lot easier for music lovers to make up their minds on certain products/bands/concepts if the medium used to communicate ideas combined both audio and video.

Just my 2 cents as I do acknowledge that this idea may meet material constraints.
Have a section called guitionary where terms such as flanger , delay , rack , pedal , fuzz, wah etc. are defined for new guitarists.