string tree the cause of string breakage?


New member
juz wondering if there is the possibility of the string tree causing string breakage. i juz changed my strings 1 wk plus..

inspected the nut,, can't be,, the bridge looks quite ok.. over bending of strings.. dun think so

where can i get it from? btw are those graph tech ones gd? thanks..
Get some fine sandpaper, sand the edges of the string tree (and possibly any other rough sharp contact points), see if that helps.
when you string snaps, look at where it breaks. if it's over at the headstock area the string tree might be the culprit.

this 'rounded' type is available at Davis, it's devoid of sharp edges so there's less snag to induce string breakages:

thanks thor and sub.

I retrieved my broken string from the dustbin and found that it broke over at the headstock. My guess was right. Time for new string trees! Btw, are they all standard sizes? I'm using a Yamaha pacifica strat copy. Shd be fine eh?
Everdying said:
or just stick one of those floyd rose string retainers on the guitar :P

you mean this?

it can't fit la.. anyway .. i got a new string tree. so far so good. hope it won't fail me.. haha..

btw . goose are u kiddin? lol.
Does anyone have had any experience getting replacement the standard fender string tree from Davis? Mine has rusted badly and needs to be replaced!

for that type of string tree, even non-Fender brands will fit (personal experience). check with Davis to see if they still stock fender spares (i did get some from them).
why i chose non-Fender version for that type of string tree was because the fender one has a spacing anomaly- it's actually wider than the nut string spacing.
I'm not sure whether I saw the fender original ones..

But I saw the non-fender one. The one on my pacifica was originally those kind but I got the button shaped ones in the end..