String Snappage


New member
Hi guys,

I literally JUST restrung my electric guitar with Elixirs .09 and when i took it home. Played for less than a minute and it SNAPPED.

This is the 2nd time it snapped after an immediate change, one was 4 months before.

Just wanna ask if there's anyway i can make sure it doesn't snap besides get thicker strings, or is it a problem with the way its strung, cause the shop strung it not me, or maybe theres a way i should warm up my string before using it? I dont know.

that's interesting I would like to see how it's being strung. because elixiers are my fav and i use .9 also
Could you describe where the string snapped? It might be that your nut is badly cut, or the saddles are not smooth, hence increasing likelihood of breakage.

Or maybe you could try not whacking the strings too violently when you first play, warming them up first :-D
Is the string breaking at the saddle of the bridge?

If it is consistently breaking there, then you may have a sharp burr there. Sometimes the way the string rests on the saddle wears it down into a sharp point. You can fix it by filing it down with a fine file (jeweller's file, i think).
Is the string breaking at the saddle of the bridge?

If it is consistently breaking there, then you may have a sharp burr there. Sometimes the way the string rests on the saddle wears it down into a sharp point. You can fix it by filing it down with a fine file (jeweller's file, i think).

Hmmmm coincidentally it DID snap at the bridge, so what be thy suggestion? :)
You can use your finger or visually inspect the saddle where the string broke. Any sharp points need to be gently filed down with a fine file or fine sandpaper.
Its all smooth, but i noticed, that my Bridge. There are Screws at the Saddles, but on the E string saddle, there isn't one. Probable problem?
Please take a peekture so that we can see whether it is an obvious problem or not.

The gauge of the strings does not matter at all. Only rusty strings have a high tendency of breaking. You might be unlucky because some strings can have rust even though they are brand new from a packet. There is nothing you can do about "heng/suey".

If that is not the source of the problem, Check 3 main areas; the nut, the frets and the bridge for any sharp/rough looking edges.

If you still don't know what is wrong and it is bugging you a whole lot, send it to a reliable tech.