String Gauges

i'm use slim top heavy bottoms n if u adjust the trem springs,tighten it a little...use ur fender users manual to check the settings,....dat will do the job..
I use .11s and .12s in my guitars and all of them needed to be setup in some way or another before they would accept the heavier strings.. Going from .09s to .10s isn't something I've encountered problems with, though..

Anyway, the setup involves truss rod adjustment, which is not something I'd recommend messing around with by yourself unless you're really confident.. The danger here is breaking your truss rod by over-tightening it.. If you're using a trem, that'll need to be sorted out too, but that's fairly simple.. Lastly, when I went up to .12s, I found that I needed to re-slot the nut a little to avoid the strings binding.. I've got a set of nut files (stop laughing!!) so that made the job a lot easier..

Again, if you're not sure, part with the cash and get it done by someone else, though I'm of the opinion that guitar setup is a personal thing and that it's best that you do it yourself..

Lastly, your re-issue or vintage guitar (or any guitar, for that matter) will de-value if you modify it like changing pickups, pickguard, neck, electronics, or re-spraying the finish.. Setup, however, is not an issue..

Hope that helps..
my strat doesnt have a "hole" above the nut to adjust my truss rod! do i really have to unscrew the whole neck out just to adjust it?! 8O
shenanigans said:
my strat doesnt have a "hole" above the nut to adjust my truss rod! do i really have to unscrew the whole neck out just to adjust it?! 8O
check at the end of the neck juz above the neck pickup it shld b there cos ur strst mite be the old kind or it mite be bullet..
hey anyone have this problem?

i used to play 0.10 set, and decided to go for a higher one 0.11. it alright for me, the right tension to bend on all strings except g . I need to bend more,to the very end of the fretboard to reach the desired note cause its coiled instead of what i used to use (single threaded string), it doesnt take more than 2 days to break my strings. Cause i tend to bend on that note alot and in just one hour of pratcising i could see a obvious marking on string above the fret. My fret is not sharp, so i guess im bending it way too much? Is the only way is to whammy now?

-noobastank- what brand of strings are you using, and what is the exact 'name' of the pack?

I'm thinking that you're using strings which are meant for more jazz-like music because (unless I'm much mistaken) jazz music in general requires very little bending.

However I must ask you... why do you need / want to use such heavy-gauge strings? In the long run, unless you tune a half-step down.. it will be your axe which suffers. Not to mention the fact that you will require more effort to fret the strings.

Another thing to note for people who have re-strung your guitars: do you stretch-in your strings? I find that strings which are not stretched-in require more effort to bend (except the slinkies) and do not stay in tune as well as I'd like them to.
d'addario xl blues/jazz rock

didnt look back to 010 after i used 011, 011 tension felt more normal than 010. The effort take to bend seem to be right on 011. Im using 25.5 scale anyway and i dont really feel that my neck will go wrong with 011 sets on, im
not on some wizard neck and its rather thick, maybe im wrong on this

Just as I had thought so. The blues/jazz set is meant for well... blues and jazz! haha, but bear in mind that for those kind of sets you would not be able to bend very well.

I'd suggest the GHS or Ernie ball sets, which last longer and are pretty good tone-wise.

Good luck!
shenanigans said:
my strat doesnt have a "hole" above the nut to adjust my truss rod! do i really have to unscrew the whole neck out just to adjust it?! 8O

I had to do that on my Fender SRV.. Not that big a deal.. Just gotta be careful..

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