Strange-watch My Hand...


New member
All these while ever since i started playing an acoustic guitar since last year (around JULY 2007) , I had this embarrassing and dissapointing issue/problems while playing guitar and other physical actions using hand..

I Don't know whether some of you are also having "disabled" hand like me..

Problems having so far while playing guitar:

Lack of strength
Pinkie is as if reserved(never used but only when playing power chords.)
Tired easily..
Sweep picking(never gonna make it.)

Many more......

Here are some of the pics...





I really dont give up on playing guitar..I hope you guys can give me hope by giving comments/replies...Surprisement not restricted...
i used to have that too.maybe my fingers with stiff back then.
now it feels more flexible than ever.
i need more speed.....
haha i don't have that type of stiff fingers anymore.
i manage to avoid it.
you just need alot of carefully when you play.
don't overworked yourself.
maybe by wobbling you're fingers before and after play helps abit?
like i said last year july...that is when i get my first acoustic guitar...

So you are fairly many hours do you practice in a day?

And what are your practice routine like?Why i'm asking you all these questions is because i myself am not born gifted to be able to sweep pick and my pinkie wasnt strong enough to fret notes in a solo years ago (more than 2 decades actually :)).....

But i discipline myself in my practices with repeated odd shape combinations of triplets and chromatic exercises...and it has rewarded me well.So fairly a year? advice dont be hard on yourself and give time.In time you will be able to sweep pick...sweep tap....two hand a series of continuous pull-offfs and hammer-on w/o even picking and etc etc...

Important now for you is to keep practicising the correct way, discipline and get a good guidance from someone who knows music theory well to strengthen your musical background.
holy fu*k u're tone sucks.. turn down the treble and up with the mid's

try doing 1-2-3-4 exercise with all u're fingers.sweep picking start VERY slow then build up speed with a metronme.
h g e o h l

faizal:from what i see, you underutilise your left pinky too much alr. you'll have to use your pinky more in order to strengthen it.. i use my pinky playing unholy confessions.. but i dont see you using it.. dont let that shy pinky get isolated in its cage man, you are the master, let that poor thing out of the cage dude. just keep playing with all four fingers, instead of two, soon they'll get stronger and more used to it.

like say from fret 1-4, you are supposed to play 1-2-3-4 accordingly.
instead of using your index and middle finger to play 1-2 then the same fingers to play 3-4, use all four fingers and give it a shot once all together and play 1-2-3-4 ( index,middle,ring,pinky) use all of them.

if you dont start now, you might be at a loss in the future cause you will be needing that strength from your pinky to shred, play chromatics, scales and joke bro. good luck man:D
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I once had an accident which paralyzed my left thumb, and its still there, I myself am not sure how to fix it.

HOWEVER, this does not hinder my guitar playing much and I still continue pursue guitar. I believe with practice and some commitment you'll be a good player.
wow what scary fingers you have i cant even bend my finger that far.i think fingers that can bend are better than fingers that are stiff.just like mine.

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