Stereo / Mono?

Stereo cables allow you to transmit signals in stereo ie 2 channels. That means you would be able to hear sounds from the left and right. Usually stereo cables are used on stereo devices, such as cd/mp3 player.

Mono cables allow you to transmit signals in mono ie 1 channel. If you use a mono cable on a stereo device, you usually be able to hear sound on the left speaker ONLY. Mono cables are mostly used for mono devices eg mics and guitars.

Cables like the one you always see normally in the shops or even your electrical appliances uses PVC as insulation or covering. Not too sure about the term "braid", but I would assume it's the kind of cable that uses braided threads as an insulation covering. Old appliances uses those kind of cables, but there are still some braided cables being used by music and sound equipments.

As for the difference between pvc and braided in terms of quality and sound, I'm not very sure. But I guess PVC cables would last longer and is safer as it won't wear out as easily as a braided one. Braided, though, would be um... "flexible"? ie easier to manage and bend so that when you lay out the cables it's easier to make them laid out neat.

Heh, I'm answering your questions with what little I know. Perhaps someone would be more capable than I am at this :D