of cables,balanced signals and mono or stereo

oh i see nw,thanks,i'm still very new to the compressor plug in but i'll keep in mind what you said and experiment around and try it out,thanks so much once again ! invaluable advice for a beginner like me

this is an example.
those that don't use a rough light weight VST compressor to monitor through DAW will be pretty much hearing the 1st "raw" section. it's clear now, but imagine with the background music. it would get drowned out easily.

2nd section is what i'm talking about , drop a couple of compressors to bring out (exaggerate would be a fitting word) all the pronunciation/breath etc in case any mistakes. it's dry sounding, too in your face, sits on the mix, but that's the whole idea. get the take right first. As for "why not simply increase volume" , sure you can do that, but listen to the 2nd and 3rd section and you'll see how it already reveals the shape/direction of the vocals much more accurately in the final mix using compressors than using "raw+8db"

3rd section is the mix/master that's more controlled, blend and sit together with the tracks. although for this song or rather this demonstration I accidentally wacked too much reverb. it should be a lot lesser. or depending what the client likes.

so just an example, in this line during recording I would point out clearly from the monitormix (which I did in the final proper recording version [highlight]here[/highlight]) mistakes like :
1) narcissist oh (don't join the words into "soh")
2) "I just can't keep up with your trends are just too good to be true" (better breathing position for True by shifting it to I and *breathe*)
3) "your trends" more Yaw than Yo.
4) the word "further", lacking on the pronunciation of "th" or it's almost a "furder" but a silent d.

and I'll just skip all details of the shaky pitching etc.

have fun.

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