Stage presentation?

gsonique said:
got your fishnet toob on buddy !!

Aging Youth is getting kinda excited ...i see !!

Hey man, I'm a huge fan, bro gsonique bro...

live performances are totally unlike recording a CD or just making good music man. you really gotta get comfortable on stage.

i really don't think it's about action and stuff... i think it's more about experience cause when you're not comfortable people know. and if you just keep performing live then you'll feel more comfortable and you know what to do.

then you can watch and pick up a few things here and there. i tend to pick up a few things from Ronin and West Grand actually... I'm working with a production company and i've covered a few gigs, and i gotta give it to West Grand for interacting with the camera and stuff.

so just gig more lah. sure get better one.

ahh thanks for all the advice.

its acoustic. only two guitars. so its REALLY minimal. no headbangers or eyelined emo kids, sorry. so no headbanging.

i guess i should just look really depressed and wear hippie clothes, and wear my long hair long, sweeping the floor. a la joni mitchell. yeah.