Spoilt pedal? Or just the new adapter? Please help!


New member
This is the old adapter. Carl Martin PowerJack I think. Never made any problems (sibeh quiet) until..


The dents? It's like it melted inside, no?
Whatever it is, i got a new adapter. Not sure if I made the right choice.


But when I hook it up with daisy chains and all, it became very noisy, white noise. There even was this high pitch whistle sound coming out.

So I started my investigation. Tried out each single pedal and patch cable. sadly I only have the one set of daisy chain and adapter but I found these.

A) My favourite pedal, the pedaltank G2 distortion caused the whistle sound, variable on its gain knob.

Desperate, I opened it up (I don't usually do. Scared. But now, desperate.).



G, L and T are the control on the other side.
I = input and so on..


-With or W/o daisy chain, same.
-Batt or adapter, same.
-Noise louder when i add an OD to the chain.
-Even worse when i add my Digitech digital delay. Got weird noise like spoilt high pitched clockwork.*
-Red light seems to be like a signal sensor. Got signal, light up.
-Touch (with finger) on A, the whistle change to abit lower pitch.
-Tap C, and there'll be tapping sound coming out from amp.
-Touch B, the whistle stops!! and the light comes out, pedal operates as usual.

So the pedal IS spoilt right? What could have caused it?
*i read from http://stinkfoot.se/archives/526
"* Increased hum or noise can come from trying to power dist/overdrive pedals together with power-hungry pedals like digital delays, chorus pedals etc. If you get noise, try separating them and powering them from two separate adapters.
My DD eats 300mA. BUT everything worked fine on my old adapter.

B) My DD causes white noise in the chain. Works fine on the old adapter.

C) My Fab Chorus, same thing.


if the adapter, like i assume melted caused by short circuit(?), could it have affected the whole chain.
Most likely is the adapter. where did you buy you adapter from? only buy adapter that are meant for musical effects.
I encounter alot of adaptors that have the same white noise and high pitch sounding when it is in use with gain pedals.
Do try out this 2 adapter which i personally approve for noiseless experience.
Biyang Noiseless adaptor BY09WY
Boss PSA230P
hehe, your way of troubleshooting by touching the solder point is like what's know in the diy circle of folks who "circuitbend" or circuitbending in general.

Anyway, the mentioning of touching B point normalise everything yeah. What are this 2 point connected to and to where? The touching of this 2 point electrically is shorting out certain connection/components to whatever it is connected to. Unless opening up the pedal and look at the component side, it will be quite hard to know what is being shorted, that normalise the pedal.

Point A could be a power related path,

Point c could be audio related path,

It doesnt matter whether old adaptor works and new one doesnt now,We will have to look at the power specification of the old adaptor and new adaptor.

Dont troubleshoot anymore, bring the whole chain of effect and test it out in shop with the tech checking on it. You wont wanna spoilt anymore things.

In a typical pedal adaptor for pedals at 9vdc, the way being delivered to pedals is by receving 230vac from our houses hold power supply, convert it to 9vdc and passing it on to the pedals. If theres a short circuit, it would prolly means the 230vac receved, pass through the adaptor without any conversion at all, this one, sibey jialat and destructive.
Mike: It is a power supply for guitar effects. It's a Godlyke Power-all from Blackwood. If its not for musical effects, I wouldn't have bought it. I did consider the Biyang but my delay alone takes up 300mA. After which I'm left with 100mA.


2000mA 9vDC.

Pathein: Haha, I couldn't think of other ways anymore. Haha if only I'm confident enough to take it apart. Yeah I was like touching B the voila! Works good.

Ok I was just hantam about the short circuit.

I guess I need to do more "investigation".

Damn, so complicated need to bring to tech. I thought can just rectify at home. Heh. I don't wanna waste the newly bought adapter nor my favourite pedal!

About the Digidelay, I read about how some time based effects have problems with digital switching adapter and works ok with transformer based. But it works ok with the old adapter! Which IS a digital switching one too.
Might be your that your digi delay needs a separate isolated power source. The G2, if nothing smells burnt or whatever should be fine.
Hi guys, found out about the digi delay noise. It IS the adapter.(or maybe the daisy chain. I've no extra daisy chain to test with). Borrowed the Biyang Noiseless from a friend, and no noise at all.

The issue about the delay noise is solved but still, I'm curious on what caused it? Or is it that the Godlyke is just the noisy?

Mike: Is the Biyang transformer based or digital switching? I know the boss is transformer based. Cause I read some delay pedals aren't friendly to the digital. But strangely the former adapter uses digital switching but it worked.

Only gripe for the Biyang is that...400mA?? I have plans to "upsize" my board and it has already taken like 380mA. Any other adapter recommendation? Thought of getting the Cioks/Carl Martin Big John. Those with isolated outputs rarely has an output of >300mA (my digidelay). And I don't wanna change a pedal just cause of an adapter. If not, I'll just have to buy 2 biyang noiseless ones. Low budget. Haha. Prolly $50. Or just abit more.
A while back CIOKS Shizophrenic on SOFT at 100 bucks, and before that BBE Supa Charger at 120 on SOFT. Both quality power supplies, will NOT need to change in the long run.
I decided to skip adaptors cause of too many issues (plus a One Spot that mysteriously died).
Hi Godspeed,

both the adapters you mention won't be able to power my digidelay, which eats up 300mA.
So now you're using batteries?
Actually I found out, NO. The label on the back refers to an adapter by Digitech's parent company, Harman, which can power up to 300mA, not the pedal itself like that. Still couldn't find the actual consumption though when i googled, many apparently believed that the pedal really is 300mA which I highly doubt so. I've contacted Digitech for the actual rating, but they have yet to reply.

I'm currently using my friend's Biyang and it works wonders.
Godspeed: I tried googling. Most put there as the 300mA. Some forum posts are doubting the 300mA. There's only one forum post in which he said he contacted digitech which said the current draw in "around 90mA". No credible source..

Pathein: Yes there is. But sadly I dun have a multimeter. So I tried searching first. Even Stinkfoot's website says he doesn't the the current draw, only assuming that it's at least 150mA.
multimeter, the cheapo kind is good enough to measure.

Below 20 to 15 bucks can buy liao, from home fix or even sheng shiong(those bigger branch)...

Heh, it will be faster to just buy the multimeter and measure it then to depend on others to give the value. Not to mention, a multimeter can help trouobleshoot any future geetar related problems in future.
Pathein: Yeah bro i guess the multimeter meter will come in handy for the long future. I'll go get it. thanks.