Spams on soft


New member
I've been noticing a spate of spams on Soft recently.

James, I'm just wondering if the registration function for the forum.. is there some sort of anti spam bot function where you enter a set of randomly generated numerals or alphabets... that sort of thing?
That won't fool spams that are created by actual humans though... I got a feeling that the recent spammers are actual businessmen trying to make a living...
I have email-ed them before regarding them selling their Yamaha Stage Custom drumkit at a ridiculously cheap price, they replied.

But I was put off due to the methods of payment and collection. Shall not go into details.

Anyways, just let you guys know they're not spambots but rather copy-and-paste posters.
Ya, these are human. The only way is to remove them when they post something in the forum. Haiz.... tough.