sound proofing

lol i play in the attic at the 3rd floor of my terrace house.

well i practice my drums on the non-peak hours.. i.e. most of the adults go to work, well, left with the kids and maids, which won't make much noise la haha, anyway i also want to soundproof my room, maybe not totally but as long as it reduces much of the noise im contented. i was thinking of buying mattresses and stacking them around the attic. i dun really know whether its an effective method and whether its advisable.

i understand that total sound isolation is impossible, as my budget does not permit me to, therefore any good advice on how to reduce the sound would be great.
if want budget way to reduce sound, simply seal up all the gap of the room and get more sound absorbing or deflecting material to place around. if you are practising drumming alone, get those drum and cymbal silencers. if you are practising guitar or bass or keyboard, just get a earphone to plug into the earphone jack will do.
I came across this topic recently, actually I've never ventured into this forum before.

I recently moved into a HDB flat, I no longer have the luxury of turning up my amp to the point of breakup. ;)

In any case I have had my contractor do exactly what 0vid recommended, create a room within a room so to speak, double walls filled with rockwool. However I don't really have the spare cash to do double doors, and according to the sources I have consulted I cannot modify the windows as it is against HDB regulations.

I tried playing guitar this afternoon and believe me people can hear even at damn low volumes on clean. LOL.

I've thought of possibly buying some acoustic foam panels to cover the corners of the ceilings and some parts of my walls, as well as getting some sound dampeners to seal up the gaps in my door. Does anyone know where I can get some studio grade foam paneling? Some good advice as to where I should place it in my room would be appreciated.

As for the windows, I can't really do that much given the restrictions, I will most probably get some thick curtains and probably do a double layer tract in order to dampen as much sound as possible.

Does anyone out there have any suggestions, I don't really want to spend more dough on and contractor type work.

Much appreciated. :)
soul, the reason why people can hear you is prolly because of your doors i guess. lol, one source left undone and it ruins the whole thing. so how much did u pay the contractor to do a "room in a room"? thanks ;)
if wanna do budget so-called sound proofing, simply get those acoustic foam that you usually see inside those microphone protective cases, from Martin Audio, located at 1st level of Burlington Square (beside Sim Lim Sq). $30/piece (3ft. x 6ft.).

If wanna do real professional sound proofing, you will need to prepare to spend quite some bucks. Coz you'lll need to so Isolation first, then Treatment. For isolation, need to build fake suspended wall, floor as well as ceiling. In between the fake walls, floor, ceiling and the real wall floor ceiling, stuff in good sound absorbing material such as Rock Wool, etc. Walls are built in such a way that the are not parallel to each other, as goes to ceiling and floor. Windows must be double layer, sealed. Doors must have two doors system creating a sound-trap room in between the 2 doors before you can acsess into the studio.

Treatment, you must have special devices, or simply using mathematical formula to calculate the problematic frequencies range and choose the right material to kill away them. Typically, high frequencies can easily be damped off by foams. The most difficult and problematic are usually those low frequencies, where you need to spend abit on bass trap for the corners. Lastly, not forgetting reverb time, you will need to calculate or use special devices to measure the reverb time of the room. Make sure that it is a good reverb time for the instruments that you usually recording. Technically, room to record vocals must be "dead". Room for instruments like acoustic guitars must be abit "live" so as to capture some room-sound, hence, would sound more natural and nice.

These are just a basic idea. There are more to it.

I've recently helped friend to convert his jamming studio to a recording studio, and also helped a local chinese pop music school to build a small recording facilities in their school. If anyone is interested to do sound proofing, pls contact me via or (

Of course, charges will go accordingly. Thank you.
Soul, if you do a room within a room method, why didn't you do your door? without the door, it serve no purpose to build the room because sound is not enclosed and reduced by the inner room.
as for the window, your can't change the outer appearance, but can seal up from the inside with foam to prevent sound escape.
i am more concern that you might not have done the room within a room in a proper manner.
my bro went elec drums coz the cost of sound proofing his room was as good as gettin a new elec drums. 3k+