Somebody teach me pls!


New member
Can somebody explain to me what are the diffs between p & j pickups? any other type else? What are passive n active pickup/preamp? how they work? Obviously, u can see that i'm a noob =P but i really like bass now!!
okie. done my read up on wikipedia. so jBass is considered better than pBass right? but also depends on personal preference yep?
another question. Beside the number of strings laid on the bass, what are the difference between a 4 and 5 stringer? i'm beginner, can i start with 5 stringer?

naw , its ok to have a 5 string bass.

some poeple just do not utilize the 5th string much, some people prefer to do slapping and popping on 4 strings and find it easier to execute them.

whatever it is the 5th string gives u more option.

but once again , up to preference.
5th string can also be sed for thmb rest. can vary your playing anywhere between neck and bridge to vary your tones quite comfortably.

Well ,at least that's the way i see it, an expensive universal thumbrest, err.. besides being able to hit the low B, how can i forget