Solo Work


New member
i'm a one man musician (broke of from my band)...guitarist to be precise...and i am not good at churning out solos (yet :D)

here at myspace i have my solo work...comments are appreciated :D

there's only one song for the time being...coz loading songs on Myspace is a drag :P
To me,
it sounds like a Karaoke version of vocal song (ie. if someone add some melody & lyrics, it become a complete song liao) instead of a guitar solo song.
Btw, at the ending part (where some melody come in), the melody & the chord a bit don't match leh...
how old are you dude? seems there are a lot of guitarists from tampines.

I suggest you try lining in, instead of using a mic to record your guitar. Use a metronome.
hey ... from 3min 30secon onwards ... ur bending seems not getting into the right tone ... practice ur bending .. the rest ur doing good keep it up bro
also ... when u starting to take on the distortion ... the distortion is abit to loud ...juz my opinion .. no offence bro
thx man! thx all!! i did this recording around last year when i got it finished...thx for the feedback...i'm still learning things bit by bit,i'm not a good soloist too :D

thx for the feedback..keep it coming...i'll be working on new pieces also :D
yea go learn some scales.. start with the pentatonics then major and minor and so on.

the chord progression does sounds abit metallica
sounds cool to me..almost neat playing except the solo
the song, the feel..reminds me of john frusciante a bit..a bit onli..
But lack of fill-ins. stick to this arrangement..maybe improvise sure along the way u will perfect it..
what dhalif said is it, live it..

And minor meets major thing is realli ok..that doesnt mean u dont know your scales. there are songs like dat..its like telling a story..making listeners step to another atmosphere..
just MHO..